【每日期刊】Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》2021年第63卷-共16篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》最新一期、即2021年第63卷的16篇论文(侵删)。
Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》2021年第63卷-共16篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Infante & Poehner | Alex, the toolmaker: Tool-and-result activity in the L2 learning context |
02 | Article | Song et al. | Humor in multimodal language use: Students’ Response to a dialogic, social-networking online assignment |
03 | Article | Cohen et al. | Exploring how language exposure shapes oral narrative skills in French-English emergent bilingual first graders |
04 | Article | Brodin et al. | Historical images of teachers and their underlying ideologies in Swedish academia: Multimodal discourses from 1950 and 1980 |
05 | Article | Flood | The secret multimodal life of IREs: Looking more closely at representational gestures in a familiar questioning sequence |
06 | Article | Toker | Subtle Islamization of teacher education: A critical discourse analysis of Turkey's “inclusive” education initiative for refugee integration |
07 | Article | Zhang | “Finally, I told my professor I was pregnant.” Becoming new mothers as international graduate students |
08 | Article | Calderón | Literacy school practices and oral community strategies in the classroom for teaching Mapuzugun |
09 | Article | Alonso-Belmonte & Fernández-Agüero | Teachers’ narratives of resistance to Madrid's bilingual programme: An exploratory study in secondary education |
10 | Article | Kangas & Schissel | Holding them back or pushing them out?: Reclassification policies for English learners with disabilities |
11 | Article | Fox & Salerno | The discourse of ESL advocacy in a simulated environment |
12 | Article | Fotiou & Ayiomamitou | “We are in Cyprus, we have to use our language, don't we?” Pupils’ and their parents’ attitudes towards two proximal linguistic varieties |
13 | Article | Alhasnawi | Teachers’ beliefs and practices with respect to translanguaging university mathematics in Iraq |
14 | Article | Lee | “No more Korean at Home.” Family language policies, language practices, and challenges in Korean immigrant families: Intragroup diversities and intergenerational impacts |
15 | Article | Guo & Yao | Language demands of textbooks for learning English in Hong Kong: A multi-stratal analysis |
16 | Article | Moore & Spencer | “It just sounds proper common”: Exploring the social meanings expressed by nonstandard grammar |
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