【每日刊讯】ELT Journal《英语语言教学杂志》2021年第75卷第3期-共20篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——ELT Journal《英语语言教学杂志》最新一期、即2021年第75卷第3期的20篇论文(侵删)。
ELT Journal《英语语言教学杂志》2021年第75卷第3期-共20篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Kubota | Critical antiracist pedagogy in ELT |
02 | Article | Crookes | Critical language pedagogy: an introduction to principles and values |
03 | Article | Ellis & Ibrahim | Using metaphor elicitation with pre-primary children learning English |
04 | Article | Zou & Zhang | Flipped primary EFL classrooms: impact, feasibility, and potential |
05 | Article | Aull | Pre-primary teacher talk: L1 use across different activity references |
06 | Article | di Gennaro & Ekiert | The impact of corrective feedback on English articles |
07 | Article | Moorhouse | Qualities of good homework activities: teachers’ perceptions |
08 | Article | Siegel | Retentional effects of notetaking instruction in EAP courses |
09 | Article | Pourhaji & Sadeghi | Teacher talk in EAP classes: transition to post-liminal understanding |
10 | Article | Ghanem & Kang | ESL students’ reverse linguistic stereotyping of English teachers |
11 | Article | Xu | Incorporating reading circles into a task-based EAP reading scheme |
12 | Article | Peker & Erdemir | Does compensation strategy instruction work? An action research study |
13 | Respond | Moore | A plea to stop debating and erasing queer lives in ELT |
14 | Respond | Lawrence & Nagashima | A response to Moore |
15 | Respond | Bollas | A response to Moore: challenging queer erasure, not erasing it |
16 | Technology | Kessler et al. | Synchronous video computer-mediated communication in English language teaching |
17 | View | Zablonski | Identity development and ELT: a social justice approach |
18 | Review | / | Second Language Writing |
19 | Review | Iida | Bringing Forth a World: Engaged Pedagogy in the Japanese University |
20 | Review | Ludwig | Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit: Entwicklungslinien moderner Englischdidaktik [Inclusion and Sustainability: Future Directions for Contemporary ELT] |
21 | IATEFL | Belak | Surviving and thriving together |
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