【每日刊讯】Discourse, Context & Media《话语,语境和媒体》2021年第44卷-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Discourse, Context & Media《话语,语境和媒体》最新一期、即2021年第44卷的13篇论文(侵删)。
Discourse, Context & Media《话语,语境和媒体》2021年第44卷-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Thornborrow et al. | Discursive constructions of populism in opinion-based journalism: A comparative European study |
02 | Article | Zappavigna & Logi | Emoji in social media discourse about working from home |
03 | Article | van Raalte et al. | Twitter as a right-wing populist’s playground: The algorithmic populism of Dutch political party ‘Forum voor Democratie’ and leader Thierry Baudet during their political rise |
04 | Article | Hunt | COVID and the South African Family: Cyril Ramaphosa, President or father? |
05 | Article | Hoffmann | Cut to the chase – How multimodal cohesion secures narrative orientation in film trailers |
06 | Article | Tanskanen | Fragmented but coherent: Lexical cohesion on a YouTube channel |
07 | Article | Tseng et al. | The impact of multimodal cohesion on attention and interpretation in film |
08 | Article | Gahman | Where to draw the line when the lines are blurred: A computational and functional analysis of cohesion in superhero comics |
09 | Article | Wu & Fitzgerald | Reaching for the stars: DingTalk and the Multi-platform creativity of a ‘one-star’ campaign on Chinese social media |
10 | Article | Yang | Making sense of the “raw meat”: A social semiotic interpretation of user translation on the danmu interface |
11 | Article | Homoláč & Mrázková | A skirmish on the Czech political scene: The glocalization of Greta Thunberg’s UN Climate Action Summit speech in the Czech media |
12 | Article | D'hondt et al. | Weaving the threads of international criminal justice: The double dialogicity of law and politics in the ICC al-Mahdi case |
13 | Article | Baumgartner et al. | Conceptualizing the dialogical structure of mass communication: A comparison of the dialogical networks and mediated social communication approaches |
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