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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Kennard | Variation in Breton word stress: new speakers and the influence of French |
02 | Article | Munteanu | Homophony avoidance in the grammar: Russian nominal allomorphy |
03 | Article | Shaw et al. | Articulatory coordination distinguishes complex segments from segment sequences |
04 | Article | Vance et al. | The diachronic origins of Lyman's Law: evidence from phonetics, dialectology and philology |
05 | Review | Kastner | Gereon Müller (2020). Inflectional morphology in harmonic serialism. (Advances in Optimality Theory.) Sheffield & Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing. Pp. x + 350. |
06 | Review | Kavitskaya | Daniel Recasens (2020). Phonetic causes of sound change: the palatalization and assibilation of obstruents. (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics 42.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xviii + 203. |
07 | Review | Steffman | Carlos Gussenhoven and Aoju Chen (eds.) (2020). The Oxford handbook of language prosody. (Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. lvi + 891. |
08 | Corrigendum | Do & Lai | Incorporating tone in the modelling of wordlikeness judgements – CORRIGENDUM |
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