【每日刊讯】Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》2021年第50卷第6期-共18篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》最新一期、即2021年第50卷第6期的18篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》2021年第50卷第6期-共18篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Note | Javier & Joyner | A Note from the Editors |
02 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Dudschig et al. | The Processing of Negation and Polarity: An Overview |
03 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Albu et al. | Contrary to Expectations: Does Context Influence the Processing Cost Associated with Negation? |
04 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Beltrán et al. | Inhibitory Mechanisms in the Processing of Negations: A Neural Reuse Hypothesis |
05 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Clifton Jr. et al. | Negative clauses imply affirmative topics and affirmative antecedents |
06 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Grible | Negation Cancels Discourse-Level Processing Differences: Evidence from Reading Times in Concession and Result Relations |
07 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Dudschig et al. | Negation Processing in Children with ADHD: The Generic Problem of Using Negation in Instructions |
08 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Filik et al. | Irony as a Test of the Presupposition-Denial Account: An ERP Study |
09 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Liu & Bathel | Semantics Processing of Conditional Connectives: German wenn ‘if’ Versus nur wenn ‘only if’ |
10 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Liu et al. | Bias and Modality in Conditionals: Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Implications |
11 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Maldonado & Culbertson | Nobody Doesn’t Like Negative Concord |
12 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Orenes | “Looking at” Negation: Faster Processing for Symbolic Rather Than Iconic Representations |
13 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Rück et al. | The Role of Predictability During Negation Processing in Truth-Value Judgment Tasks |
14 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Schaebbicke et al. | The Diverse Landscape of Negative Polarity Items: On the Use of German NPIs as Experimental Diagnostics |
15 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Schwab et al. | On the Acquisition of Polarity Items: 11- to 12-Year-Olds' Comprehension of German NPIs and PPIs |
16 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Wang et al. | Verifying Negative Sentences |
17 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Tian et al. | Representing Polar Questions |
18 | The Processing of Polarity and Negation | Article | Zevakhina | Processing Conditional Perfection in Promises and Threats: The Role of Negation, Clause Order and Incentive |
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