【每日刊讯】Language and Education《语言与教育》2022年第36卷第1期-共7篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language and Education《语言与教育》最新一期、即2022年第36卷第1期的7篇论文(侵删)。
Language and Education《语言与教育》2022年第36卷第1期-共7篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Anderson et al. | Complicating methods for understanding educators’ language ideologies: transformative approaches for mixing methods |
02 | Article | Owodally | Mediational tools, private speech and disciplinary literacy practices: an adolescent’s personal learning space |
03 | Article | Fenwick & Herrington | Teacher use of genre pedagogy: engaging students in dialogue about content area language during text deconstruction |
04 | Article | Aindriú | The reasons why parents choose to transfer students with special educational needs from Irish immersion education |
05 | Article | Nelson et al. | The effects of a multi-tiered system of language support on oral narrative language, writing, and reading comprehension in India |
06 | Review | Akmalia et al. | Teaching Arabic as a heritage language |
07 | Review | Wu | Classroom culture in China: collective individualism learning model, by X. Zhu and J. Li, Singapore, Springer, 2020, xv + 122 pp., £89.99 (hbk), ISBN: 9789811518263, £71.50 (eBook), ISBN: 9789811518270 |
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