【每日刊讯】Brain and Language《大脑和语言》2022年第227卷-共6篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Brain and Language《大脑和语言》2022年第227卷的6篇论文(侵删)。
Brain and Language《大脑和语言》2022年第227卷-共6篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Artilcle | Ku et al. | Attention and regulation during emotional word comprehension in older adults: Evidence from event-related potentials and brain oscillations |
02 | Artilcle | Roelofs | A neurocognitive computational account of word production, comprehension, and repetition in primary progressive aphasia |
03 | Artilcle | Stankovic et al. | Not all bilinguals are the same: A meta-analysis of the moral foreign language effect |
04 | Artilcle | Dona et al. | Allophonic familiarity differentiates word representations in the brain of native speakers of regional linguistic varieties |
05 | Artilcle | Arredondo et al. | Person-specific connectivity mapping uncovers differences of bilingual language experience on brain bases of attention in children |
06 | Artilcle | van der Feest et al. | Showing strength through flexibility: Multi-accent toddlers recognize words quickly and efficiently |
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