【每日刊讯】Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism《双语语言学方法》2022年第12卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism《双语语言学方法》最新一期、即2022年第12卷第1期的13篇论文(侵删)。
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism《双语语言学方法》2022年第12卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Article | Prévost and Laurice Tuller | Bilingual language development in autism |
1 | 02 | Article | Armon-Loterm & Meir | The differential impact of age of onset of bilingualism and language exposure for bilingual children with DLD and ASD |
1 | 03 | Article | de Bruin & Hayiou-Thomas | Bilingualism and autism |
1 | 04 | Article | Digard & Sorace | Bringing together autism and bilingualism research: Language matters |
1 | 05 | Article | Gross & Tager-Flusberg | Expanding contexts for exploring the intersection of autism and bilingualism |
1 | 06 | Article | Guasti | he “what” and “how” of measuring |
1 | 07 | Article | Kašćelan & De Cat | A constellation of continua |
1 | 08 | Article | Katsos & Gibson | Language competence and beyond |
1 | 09 | Article | Novodgrodsky | Pragmatic disorder of monolingual and bilingual children with autism |
1 | 10 | Article | Schulz | Heterogeneity in bilingualism and autism |
1 | 11 | Article | Tsimpli | On how linguistically-informed research can further address heterogeneity in bilingualism and autism |
1 | 12 | Article | Wu & Zhang | The role of emotion in language development among bilingual children with autism spectrum disorders |
1 | 13 | Article | Prévost & Tuller | Response to Commentaries on bilingual language development in autism |
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