【每日刊讯】Applied Linguistics Review《应用语言学评论》2022年第13卷第4期-共10篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Applied Linguistics Review《应用语言学评论》最新一期、即2022年第13卷第4期的10篇论文(侵删)。
Applied Linguistics Review《应用语言学评论》2022年第13卷第4期-共10篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Zhang & Yu | Training student writers in conducting peer feedback in L2 writing: A meaning-making perspective |
02 | Article | Dinçer et al. | Assessing the use of multiple-choice translation items in English proficiency tests: The case of the national English proficiency test in Turkey |
03 | Article | Im et al. | Translingual negotiation strategies in CMC contexts: English-medium communication in online marketplaces |
04 | Article | Cui et al. | Alignment effect in the continuation task of Chinese low-intermediate English learners |
05 | Article | Ramjattan | Racializing the problem of and solution to foreign accent in business |
06 | Article | Iikkanen | Migrant women, work, and investment in language learning: Two success stories |
07 | Article | Bloemert et al. | Student motivation in Dutch secondary school EFL literature lessons |
08 | Article | Zhu et al. | Developing 21st century skills for the first language classroom: Investigating the relationship between Chinese primary students’ oral interaction strategy use and their group discussion performance |
09 | Article | Lee et al. | How memories of study abroad experience are contextualized in the language classroom |
10 | Article | Urdaniz & Skoufaki | Spanish L1 EFL learners’ recognition knowledge of English academic vocabulary: The role of cognateness, word frequency and length |
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