【每日刊讯】Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》2022年8卷第S4期-共12篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》最新一期、即2022年8卷第S4期的12篇论文(侵删)。
Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》2022年8卷第S4期-共12篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Artilce | van Rooij & Schulz | Causal relevance of conditionals: semantics or pragmatics? |
02 | Artilce | Barthel et al. | Online comprehension of conditionals in context: A self-paced reading study on wenn (‘if’) versus nur wenn (‘only if’) in German |
03 | Artilce | Egg & Das | Signalling conditional relations |
04 | Artilce | Hernández | Uncertainty as a disambiguating factor for conditional, temporal, and habitual constructions: evidence from Spanish |
05 | Artilce | Zevakhina | Veridicality and the cause-effect relation in Russian esli- and raz-conditionals: experimenting with conditional perfection and logical entailment |
06 | Artilce | Brucale et al. | Conditional connection explored: the case of Sicilian cusà |
07 | Artilce | Yang | Iffy discourse: Japanese moshi in conditionals and nominal topics |
08 | Artilce | Liu & Wang | Jiu-conditionals in Mandarin Chinese: thoughts on a uniform pragmatic analysis of Mandarin conditional constructions |
09 | Artilce | Sztencel & Duffy | Modals and conditionals in instrumental practical reasoning: the case of Polish |
10 | Artilce | Crosz | Emojis and conditionals: exploring the super linguistic interplay of pictorial modifiers and conditional meaning |
11 | Artilce | Haslinger & Schmitt | What embedded counterfactuals tell us about the semantics of attitudes |
12 | Artilce | Kaufmann & Whitman | Conditional conjunctions informed by Japanese and Korean |
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