【每日刊讯】Applied Linguistics Review《应用语言学评论》2023年第14卷第1期-共8篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Applied Linguistics Review《应用语言学评论》2023年最新一期、即第14卷第1期共8篇论文(侵删)。
Applied Linguistics Review《应用语言学评论》2023年第14卷第1期-共8篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Discursive work in resisting stereotypic representations of the Chinese among Chinese students | |
02 | Article | Yoko Munezane | Effects of willingness to communicate on L2 output and leadership roles during jury discussions |
03 | Article | Katarzyna Ożańska-Ponikwia*, Ewa Piechurska-Kuciel and Katarzyna Skałacka | Emotional intelligence as a mediator in the relationship between neuroticism and L2 achievement |
04 | Article | Fernández & Berro | Study abroad experiences count Motivational profile of EFL listeners and its impact on top-down and bottom-up processing |
05 | Article | Hakyoon Lee*, YouJin Kim* and Bumyong Choi | Study abroad, language usage, and the development of multilingual identities The case of 1.5 generation Korean–American |
06 | Article | Kathrin Kaufhold* | Transnational postgraduate students’experience of voice and participation |
07 | Article | Tanja Angelovska*, Dietmar Roehm and Sabrina Weinmüller | Uncovering transfer effects of dominance and proficiency in L3 English acquisition using the visual moving window paradigm and grammaticality judgments |
08 | Article | Laszlo Vincze*, Jessica Gasiorek、Marko Dragojevic | Why to speak French to French speakers Outgroup vitality, motivation and linguistic accommodation in the Aosta Valley |
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