【每日刊讯】TESOL Quarterly《对外英语教育季刊》2023年第57卷第2期-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——TESOL Quarterly《对外英语教育季刊》最新一期、即2023年第57卷第2期的21篇论文(侵删)
TESOL Quarterly《对外英语教育季刊》2023年第57卷第2期-共21篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | LUKE LU | Exploring Singlish as a Pedagogical Resource in the ELT Classroom_ Implementing Bidialectal Pedagogy in Singapore |
02 | Article | AARON LEO | Agency in Constrained Spaces_ How English Learners and their Teachers Negotiate the Power of High-stakes Exams |
03 | Article | NATHANAEL RUDOLPH | Narratives and Negotiations of Identity in Japan and Criticality in (English) Language Education- (Dis)Connections and Implications |
04 | Article | LAURA HAMMAN-ORTIZ,VANESSA SANTIAGO SCHWARZ,MOLLY HAMM-RODRIGUEZ,MILEIDIS GORT | Engaging Teachers in Genre-Based Pedagogy for Writing Arguments_ A Case Study of Shifts in Practice and Understanding |
05 | Article | GAIL B. CAPPAERT AND CORRINE M. WICKENS | I am Kichwa-The Funds of Identity of an Indigenous Ecuadoran NNES Teacher |
06 | Article | SHATHA TALIB AL-AHMADI,JIM KING | Silence behind the Veil_ An Exploratory Investigation into the Reticence of Female Saudi Arabian Learners of English |
07 | Article | BEHNAM SOLTANI,LY TRAN | Examining space, silence, and agency in language socialization of an international student in the EAP and mainstream courses |
08 | Article | ART TSANG | “The Best Way to Learn a Language is Not to Learn it!” Hedonism and Insights Into Successful EFL Learners' Experiences in Engagement With Spoken (Listening) and Written (Reading |
09 | Article | TAMAS KISS,AUSTIN PACK | A Network Analysis of L2 Motivational Factors_ Structure, Connectivity, and Central Relational Links |
10 | Article | CECILIA GUANFANG ZHAO,QIQI | Implementing Learning-Oriented Assessment (LOA) Among Limited-Proficiency EFL Students_ Challenges, Strategies, and Students' Reactions |
11 | Article | TAKUMI UCHIHARA | How Does the Test Modality of Weekly Quizzes Influence Learning the Spoken Forms of Second Language Vocabulary_ |
12 | Article | PIA RESNIK, EVAKNECHTELSDORFER, JEAN-MARC DEWAELE | Differences in the Intensity and the Nature of Foreign Language Anxiety in In-person and Online EFL Classes during the Pandemic_ A Mixed-Methods Study |
13 | Report | JIANMIN GAO,PEIJIAN PAUL SUN | To Correct or Not_ The Role of L1 Fluency in Understanding and Measuring L2 Fluency |
14 | Report | EMEL TOZLU KILIC,UFUK BALAMAN | Facilitating Students' Learning of a Target Construction Through Teacher Interactional Resources in EFL Kindergarten Classrooms |
15 | Issue | MIKYUNG KIM WOLF,LAURABALLARD,ALISON L. BAILEY | Aligning English Language Proficiency Assessments to Standards_ Conceptual and Technical Issues |
16 | Issue | TAGUHI SAHAKYAN | Member-Checking through Diagrammatic Elicitation_ Constructing Meaning with Participants |
17 | Issue | JAMES P. LANTOLF,JIAO XI | Digital Language Learning-A Sociocultural Theory Perspective |
18 | Forum | JAMIE L. SCHISSEL | Bias, Discrimination, and the Social Consequences of Unproblematized Assessments in TESOL |
19 | Review | Gregory Hadley and Andrew Boon | Critical Thinking Gregory Hadley and Andrew Boon |
20 | Review | Jim McKinley and Nicola Galloway | English-Medium Instruction Practices in Higher Education International Perspectives |
21 | Review | Dr. Kohnke, WENJUAN HE,XUESONG (ANDY) GAO | Teacher Well-Being in English Language Teaching_ An Ecological Approach |
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