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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Editorial | Cédric Brudermann | Accuracy development in L2 writing_ Exploring the potential of computer-assisted unfocused indirect corrective feedback in an online EFL course |
02 | Article | Boris Vazquez-Calvo | Guerrilla fan translation, language learning, and metalinguistic discussion in a Catalan-speaking community of gamers |
03 | Article | Ciara R. Wigham, Müge Satar | Multimodal (inter)action analysis of task instructions in language teaching via videoconferencing_ A case study |
04 | Article | Hongying Peng et al. | Narrative review and meta-analysis of MALL research on L2 skills |
05 | Article | Mohammad Hassanzadeh et al. | The impact of computer-aided concept mapping on EFL learners' lexical diversity_ A process writing experiment |
06 | Article | Aysel Saricaoglu & Zeynep Bilki | Voluntary use of automated writing evaluation by content course students |
07 | Article | Shaoqun Wu et al. | What are language learners looking for in a collocation consultation system_ Identifying collocation look-up patterns with user query data |
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