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本篇推送的是SSCI权威期刊——Lanuage Variation and Change《语言变异与变化》被引频次最高的50篇论文(侵删),其中目录(包括被引数)可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链

Lanuage Variation and Change《语言变异与变化》被引频次最高的50篇论文(侵删)



Language Variation and Change326Article 01Reflexes of grammar in patterns of language change
Language Variation and Change319Article 02The intersection of sex and social class in the course of linguistic change
Language Variation and Change199Article 03The whole woman: Sex and gender differences in variation
Language Variation and Change153Article 04Word frequency and context of use in the lexical diffusion of phonetically conditioned sound change
Language Variation and Change152Article 05Models, forests, and trees of York English: Was/were variation as a case study for statistical practice
Language Variation and Change121Article 06The child as linguistic historian
Language Variation and Change118Article 07The apparent time construct
Language Variation and Change105Article 08Remarks on grammatical weight
Language Variation and Change99Article 09Children, adolescents, and language change
Language Variation and Change97Article 10Explanation in variable phonology: An exponential model of morphological constraints
Language Variation and Change83Article 11The case of the nonce loan in Tamil
Language Variation and Change78Article 12Ethnolects and the city: Ethnic orientation and linguistic variation in Toronto English
Language Variation and Change78Article 13Articulation rate across dialect, age, and gender
Language Variation and Change72Article 14The third dialect of English: Some Canadian evidence
Language Variation and Change71Article 15“Mam, my trousers is fa'in doon!”: Community, caregiver, and child in the acquisition of variation in a Scottish dialect
Language Variation and Change71Article 16Genre effects on subject expression in Spanish: Priming in narrative and conversation
Language Variation and Change70Article 17Was/were variation across the generations: View from the city of York
Language Variation and Change69Article 18Variation in the use of discourse markers in a language contact situation
Language Variation and Change68Article 19The nature of sociolinguistic perception
Language Variation and Change65Article 20Frequency and variation in the community grammar: Tracking a new change through the generations
Language Variation and Change65Article 21Ambiguous agreement, functional compensation, and nonspecific tú in the Spanish of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Madrid, Spain
Language Variation and Change64Article 22Rappin on the copula coffin: Theoretical and methodological issues in the analysis of copula variation in African-American Vernacular English
Language Variation and Change63Article 23Modeling language change: An evaluation of Trudgill's theory of the emergence of New Zealand English
Language Variation and Change63Article 24Near-mergers and the suspension of phonemic contrast
Language Variation and Change62Article 25There's no tense like the present: Verbal -s inflection in early Black English
Language Variation and Change61Article 26When the music changes, you change too: Gender and language change in Cajun English
Language Variation and Change57Article 27The development of a morphological class
Language Variation and Change57Article 28Homebodies and army brats: Some effects of early linguistic experience and residential history on dialect categorization
Language Variation and Change56Article 29The rate of phrase structure change in the history of Yiddish
Language Variation and Change54Article 30Some patterns of linguistic diffusion
Language Variation and Change54Article 31Optimality Theory and variable word-final deletion in Faetar
Language Variation and Change52Article 32Null pronoun variation in Mexican-descent children's narrative discourse
Language Variation and Change51Article 33Convergent explanation and alternative regularization patterns: Were/weren't leveling in a vernacular English variety
Language Variation and Change50Article 34Glottal stops and Tyneside glottalization: Competing patterns of variation and change in British English
Language Variation and Change49Article 35African American English in the diaspora: Evidence from old-line Nova Scotians
Language Variation and Change49Article 36Linguistic change in intonation: The use of high rising terminals in New Zealand English
Language Variation and Change48Article 37Contextual conditioning in variable lexical phonology
Language Variation and Change48Article 38Internal and external forces in language change
Language Variation and Change48Article 39Marking in discourse: “Birds of a feather”
Language Variation and Change46Article 40Phonation differences and the phonetic content of the tense-lax contrast in Utah English
Language Variation and Change46Article 41The Canadian shift in Montreal
Language Variation and Change46Article 42On resolving disagreement: Linguistic theory and variation – There's bridges
Language Variation and Change46Article 43Age grading in the Montréal French inflected future
Language Variation and Change44Article 44Word-internal /t,d/ deletion in spontaneous speech: Modeling the effects of extra-linguistic, lexical, and phonological factors
Language Variation and Change44Article 45Cognitive and social forces in dialect shift: Gradual change in London Asian speech
Language Variation and Change44Article 46Defaults and indeterminacy in temporal grammaticalization: The ‘perfect’ road to perfective
Language Variation and Change43Article 47Modeling lexical borrowability
Language Variation and Change43Article 48Replication, transfer, and calquing: Using variation as a tool in the study of language contact
Language Variation and Change43Article 49Let's tink about dat: Interdental fricatives in Cajun English
Language Variation and Change42Article 50Learning to talk Philadelphian: Acquisition of short a by preschool children
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