【限时资源,期刊全文】Functions of Language《语言功能》2019年论文集-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Functions of Language《语言功能》2019年论文集、即第26卷第1-3期共21篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失效
Functions of Language《语言功能》2019年论文集-共21篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Preface | Bednarek et al. | Preface |
1 | 02 | Introduction | Davidse | Introduction |
1 | 03 | Article | Simon-Vandenbergen | Refections on Functions of Language |
1 | 04 | Article | Hillier et al. | Tributes to Margaret Berry |
1 | 05 | Article | Wegener | What makes a text a text? |
1 | 06 | Article | Asp | In praise of text analysis |
1 | 07 | Article | Davies | Textual analysis |
1 | 08 | Article | Simon-Vandenbergen | Do we need more of the same? |
1 | 09 | Article | Noël | The author and the text in radically usage-based diachronic construction grammar, or why historical linguists have started analysing text again |
1 | 10 | Article | Butler | Does functional linguistics have a ‘fundamental unity’? |
1 | 11 | Article | Kimps et al. | English tag questions eliciting knowledge or action |
1 | 12 | Article | McGregor | The evolutionary origins of interpersonal grammar |
2 | 01 | Editorial | Bednarek et al. | From the editors |
2 | 02 | Article | Zhan & Traugott | The development of the Chinese copula shì construction |
2 | 03 | Article | Diewald & Stathi | Two distinct sources – one target |
2 | 04 | Article | Olmen | A diachronic corpus study of prenominal zo’n ‘so a’ in Dutch |
2 | 05 | Review | Bartlett | Donna R. Miller & Paul Bayley (eds.) Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Grammar, text and discursive context |
2 | 06 | Review | Li & Wang | Simona Pekarek Doehler, Elwys De Stefani & Anne-Sylvie Horlacher (eds.) Time and emergence in grammar: Dislocation, topicalization and hanging topic in French talk-in-interaction |
2 | 07 | Review | Xie & Tong | Elda Weizman & Anita Fetzer (eds.) Follow-ups in political discourse: Explorations across contexts and discourse domains |
3 | 01 | Article | Carretero | Evidentiality in adverbs of manner of perceivability |
3 | 02 | Article | Goddard et al. | The semantics of evaluational adjectives |
3 | 03 | Article | Su & Hunston | Language patterns and attitude revisited |
3 | 04 | Review | Tong & Xie | Lawrence N. Berlin, Elda Weizman and Anita Fetzer (eds.) The dynamics of political discourse: Forms and functions of follow-ups |
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