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Cognitive Semiotics: Signs, Mind and Meaning等2本电子书
①Bloomsbury出版社2020年重磅新著Cognitive Semiotics: Signs, Mind and Meaning
②Routledge出版社2015年前沿专著The Routledge handbook of multilingualism
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【书名】:Cognitive Semiotics: Signs, Mind and Meaning 【作者】:Per Aage Brandt 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Bloomsbury出版社 【简介】:Bloomsbury符号学前沿最新著作:《认知符号学》。 Interrogating the relatively new field of cognitive semiotics, this book explores shared issues in cognitive science and semiotics. Building on research from recent decades, Per Aage Brandt investigates the potential of a cognitive semiotic approach to enhance our understanding of language, thought and semiosis in general. Introducing a critical, non-standard approach both to cognitive science and to semiotics, this book discusses the understanding of meaning and mind through four major dimensions; mental architecture, mental spaces, discourse coherence and eco-organization. Encompassing a rich variety of topics and debates, Cognitive Semiotics outlines several bridges between 'continental' and 'analytic' thinking in the study of semantics, pragmatics, discourse and the philosophy of language and mind. | 此资源信息由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:The Routledge handbook of multilingualism 【作者】:Blackledge, Adrian;Creese, Angela;Martin-Jones, Marilyn 【年份】:2015年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism provides a comprehensive survey of the field of multilingualism for a global readership, and an overview of the research which situates multilingualism in its social, cultural and political context. The handbook includes an introduction and five sections with thirty two chapters by leading international contributors. The introduction charts the changing landscape of social and ethnographic research on multilingualism (theory, methods and research sites) and it foregrounds key contemporary debates. Chapters are structured around sub-headings such as: early developments, key issues related to theory and method, new research directions. This handbook offers an authoritative guide to shifts over time in thinking about multilingualism as well as providing an overview of the range of contemporary themes, debates and research sites. The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism is the ideal resource for postgraduate students of multilingualism, as well as those studying education and anthropology. | 此资源由LingLab提供,为免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载!