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A Survey of Modern English (3rd ed.)等2本电子书
①Routledge出版社2021年重磅新著A Survey of Modern English (3rd ed.)
②Routledge出版社2015年前沿专著Mapping applied linguistics: a guide for students and practitioners
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【书名】:A Survey of Modern English (3rd ed.) 【作者】:Stephan Gramley et al. 【年份】:2021年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:一部综合的现代英语语法。 A Survey of Modern English covers a wide selection of aspects of the modern English language. Fully revised and updated, the major focus of the third edition lies in Standard American and British English individually and in comparison with each other. Over and beyond that, this volume treats other Englishes around the world, especially those of the southern hemisphere countries of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa as well as numerous varieties spoken in southern, eastern and western Africa, south and southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The main areas of investigation and interest include: -pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary; -multiple facets of English dialects and sociolects with an emphasis on gender and ethnicity; -questions of pragmatics as well as a longer look at English-related pidgin and creole varieties. This authoritative guide is a comprehensive, scholarly, and systematic review of modern English. In one volume, the book presents a description of both the linguistic structure of present-day English and its geographical, social, gender, and ethnic variations. This is complemented with an updated general bibliography and with exercises at the end of each chapter and their suggested solutions at the end of the volume, all intended to provide students and other interested readers with helpful resources. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Mapping applied linguistics: a guide for students and practitioners 【作者】:Hall, Christopher J.;Smith, Patrick H.;Wicaksono, Rachel 【年份】:2015年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:Mapping Applied Linguistics: A Guide for Students and Practitioners provides an innovative and wide-ranging introduction to the full scope of applied linguistics. Incorporating both socio-cultural and cognitive perspectives, the book maps the diverse and constantly expanding range of theories, methods and issues faced by students and practitioners alike. Practically oriented and ideally suited to students new to the subject area, the book provides in-depth coverage of:
-language teaching and education, literacy and language disorders -language variation and world Englishes -language policy and planning -lexicography and forensic linguistics -multilingualism and translation. Including real data and international examples, the book features further reading and exercises in each chapter, fieldwork suggestions and a full glossary of key terms. An interactive Companion Website also provides a wealth of additional resources. This book will be essential reading for students studying applied linguistics, TESOL, general linguistics, and education at the advanced undergraduate or master’s degree level. It is also the ideal gateway for practitioners to better understand the wider scope of their work. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!