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The Sociopolitics of English Language Testing等2本电子书
①Bloomsbury出版社2020年重磅新著The Sociopolitics of English Language Testing
②Bloomsbury出版社2020年重磅新著Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces
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【书名】:The Sociopolitics of English Language Testing 【作者】:Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini, Peter I. De Costa (eds.) 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Bloomsbury出版社 【简介】:关于语言测试的一本论文集 Highlighting marginalized but significant perspectives about the sociopolitical essence of English language tests and testing processes worldwide, this book explores the social considerations of testing theories and practices from a critical perspective. Investigating concerns surrounding power inequalities, The Sociopolitics of English Language Testing takes a socially-situated view of language assessment, bringing sociopolitical understandings of language teaching, learning, and assessment to the forefront in the field. Within the broader discussion of the politics of test use, an international team of language and education experts address the issues of ideology, diversity, power, and dominance in English language testing. Through socially-sensitive theoretical as well as empirical discussion and investigation of English language testing, this book offers valuable insights, not only to applied linguists and the language education community who have focused on positivistic and cognitively-oriented conceptions of language testing, but to anyone who wishes to venture beyond the traditional bounds of the field. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces 【作者】:David Malinowski (editor), Stefania Tufi (editor) 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Bloomsbury出版社 【简介】:A historically, spatially and methodologically rich sub-field of sociolinguistics, Linguistic Landscapes (LL) is a rapidly evolving area of research and study. With contributions by an international team of experts from the USA, Europe, the UK, South Africa, Israel, Hong Kong and Colombia, this volume is a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary account of the most recent theoretical and empirical developments in this area. It covers both the conceptual tools and methodologies used to define and question, and case studies of real-world phenomena to showcase Linguistic Landscapes methods in action. Divided into four parts, chapters bring into dialogue themes relating to reterritorialization practices and the productive nature of boundaries and spaces. This book considers the contemporary challenges facing the field, the politics and processes of identifying and demarcating 'sites of research', and the ethics and pedagogical applications of LL research. With comprehensive lists of further reading, extended discussion questions and suggestions for independent research at the end of each chapter, this is an essential reference work for all LL scholars and students who wish to keep abreast of the current state of the art. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!