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Aspects of Linguistic Variation等2本电子书
①De Gruyter出版社2019重磅专著Aspects of Linguistic Variation
②John Benjamins出版社2019年前沿专著Developments in English Historical Morpho-Syntax
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【书名】:Aspects of Linguistic Variation 【作者】:Daniël Van Olmen et al. (eds.) 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:De Gruyter出版社 【简介】:标题虽其貌不扬的一本论文集,包含了Haspelmath关于比较概念的最新重要论文! Linguistic variation is a topic of ongoing interest to the field. Its description and its explanations continue to intrigue scholars from many different backgrounds. By taking a deliberately broad perspective on the matter, covering not only crosslinguistic and diachronic but also intralinguistic and interspeaker variation and examining phenomena ranging from negation over connectives to definite articles in well- and lesser-known languages, the volume furthers our understanding of variation in general. The papers offer new insights into, among other things, the theoretical notion of comparative concepts, the social or mental nature of language structure, the areal factor in lexical typology and the diachronic implications of semantic maps. The collection will thus be of relevance to typologists and historical linguists, as well as to people studying variation within the areas of cognitive and functional linguistics. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Developments in English Historical Morpho-Syntax 【作者】:Claudia Claridge, Birte Bös 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:John Benjamins出版社 【简介】:Spanning the time from Old English to modern American English, this volume provides fresh perspectives on core issues and theories in the morphosyntactic history of English nominal, verbal and adverbial constructions. The contributions discuss the loss, rise and restructuring of morphonological marking, periphrastic verbal constructions, auxiliary variation and evolution, as well as changing word order options. Favouring corpus-linguistic, frequency-based and statistical approaches, the studies are firmly empirically grounded. The book is aimed at scholars interested in the history of the English language and in language variation and change. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!