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Politeness in the History of English: From the Middle Ages to the Present Day等2本电子书
①剑桥大学出版社2020年重磅新著Politeness in the History of English: From the Middle Ages to the Present Day
②Language Science Press2020年重磅新著Agree to Agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Programme
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【书名】:Politeness in the History of English: From the Middle Ages to the Present Day 【作者】:Andreas H. Jucker 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:剑桥大学出版社 【简介】:英语史中的礼貌现象,对语用学和英语史感兴趣的老师同学可以看一下。 The concept of politeness permeates all aspects of modern life and society. However, to what extent has this phenomenon changed over time? This book traces the elusive concept of politeness from its beginnings in the Middle Ages up to the present day. Detailed case studies of mostly literary texts provide insights into historically specific ways of being polite, from discernment politeness in Old English to recent examples, such as non-imposition politeness. Readers will gain a better understanding of both the folk-notion of politeness and specific scholarly definitions, and how these can be applied to historical data. The long diachrony provides a novel perspective both on the concept of politeness and on the history of the English language in its social context, making this essential reading for politeness specialists, cultural historians and historical linguists alike. Politeness emerges as a multifaceted phenomenon that is both culture-specific and history-specific. | 此书网上很难下载,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
| 【书名】:Agree to Agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Programme 【作者】:W. Smith, Peter; Mursell, Johannes; Hartmann, Katharina 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Language Science Press 【简介】:Agreement is a pervasive phenomenon across natural languages. Depending on one’s definition of what constitutes agreement, it is either found in virtually every natural language that we know of, or it is at least found in a great many. Either way, it seems to be a core part of the system that underpins our syntactic knowledge. Since the introduction of the operation of Agree in Chomsky (2000), agreement phenomena and the mechanism that underlies agreement have garnered a lot of attention in the Minimalist literature and have received different theoretical treatments at different stages. Since then, many different phenomena involving dependencies between elements in syntax, including movement or not, have been accounted for using Agree. The mechanism of Agree thus provides a powerful tool to model dependencies between syntactic elements far beyond φ-feature agreement. The articles collected in this volume further explore these topics and contribute to the ongoing debates surrounding agreement. The authors gathered in this book are internationally reknown experts in the field of Agreement.. | 免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载! |