【限时资源,期刊全文】TESOL Journal《对外英语教学杂志》2019年论文集-共67篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——TESOL Journal《对外英语教学杂志》2019年论文集,即第10卷第1-4期共67篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,
TESOL Journal《对外英语教学杂志》2019年论文集-共67篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | How effective is Thinking Maps® instruction in improving Jordanian EFL learners’ creative reading skills? |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Scaffolding to make translanguaging a classroom norm |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | “We help each other”: Collaborative exploration of reading by college students of English as a foreign language in China |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | Identifying and teaching target vocabulary in an ESP course |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Second language learners’ ability to detect satirical news and the effect of humor competency training |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 06 | Training dilemmas and recommendations with volunteer instructors in small, faith‐based adult ESL programs |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 07 | ESL teachers' multiple intelligences and teaching strategies: Is there a linkage? |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 08 | Teaching in context: Integrating community‐based service learning into TESOL education |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 09 | Experienced teachers’ beliefs and practices toward communicative approaches in teaching English as a foreign language in rural Ukraine |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 10 | The Use of Historical Fiction in the Language Classroom: A Pedagogical Proposal for Teachers of English |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 11 | Selecting and adapting tasks for mixed‐level English as a second language classes |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 12 | Toward identity‐oriented teacher education: Critical autoethnographic narrative |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 13 | Humor‐integrated language learning: A teacher's and student's perspective |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 14 | Using songs to improve literacy in a dual‐language kindergarten in the United Arab Emirates |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 15 | Notetaking in English language teaching: Highlighting contrasts |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 16 | Trauma in English learners: Examining the influence of previous trauma and PTSD on English learners and within the classroom |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 17 | Second Language Acquisition Applied To English Language Teaching |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 18 | Unlocking English Learners' Potential: Strategies For Making Content Accessible , Fenner, Diane Staehr , Snyder, Sydney Corwin, ISBN 978‐1‐50635‐277‐0, Price USD 26.00 (pbk), Figures. 288 pages |
Vol. 10 | Issue 1 | Article 19 | Autonomy In Second Language Learning: Managing The Resources , Pawlak, Mirosław , Mystkowska‐Wiertelak, Anna , Bielak, Jakub Springer international, isbn 978‐3‐31907‐764‐2, price usd 89.00 (Ebook), isbn 978‐3‐31907‐763‐5, price usd 119.99 (Hbk), isbn 978‐3‐3197‐9159‐3, price usd 119.99 (Pbk), b&w illustrations, 1 color illustration. Xii + 213 pages |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 20 | Effect of classroom assessment stakes on English language learners’ oral performance |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 21 | Peer collaborative writing in the EAP classroom: Insights from a Canadian postsecondary context |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 22 | Second language learning and teaching: From theory to a practical checklist |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 23 | Using “where I'm from” poems to welcome international ESL students into U.S. academic culture |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 24 | Using geospatial technology to teach language and content to English learners |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 25 | Expanding pronunciation instructional time beyond the classroom: Microsoft Office 2016 OneNote Class Notebook as an interactive delivery platform |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 26 | An exploratory study on Turkish EFL learners’ readiness for autonomy and attitudes toward self‐access centers |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 27 | The role of lesson study in teacher learning and professional development of EFL teachers in Turkey: A case study |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 28 | Translating community development stories: When an EFL writing course meets service learning |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 29 | Equal educational opportunity for English learners: ESL teachers’ conceptualizations on the importance of academic language |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 30 | “What am I going to do?” A veteran teacher's journey of teaching writing to newcomer English language learners |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 31 | Critical transparent pedagogy in teacher education |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 32 | Using comic strips to stimulate student creativity in language learning |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 33 | Positioning teachers, positioning learners: Why we should stop using the term English learners |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 34 | Communicative language teaching as situated practice: Moving beyond dogma |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 35 | Views from Inside: Languages, Cultures, and Schooling for K‐12 Educators , Joy Egbert , Gisela Ernst‐Slavit Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN 978‐1‐64113‐019‐6. Price USD 45.99 (pbk). Tables. Exercises. Notes. 510 pages. |
Vol. 10 | Issue 2 | Article 36 | A New Approach To English Pedagogical Grammar: The Order Of Meanings Edited by akira tajino routledge. Isbn 978‐1‐13822‐711‐8. Price usd 140.00 (Hbk). Illustrations, figures. 244 Pages. |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 37 | Demystifying the science report: How to help nonnative‐English‐speaking students write better laboratory reports |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 38 | The distress in not stressing and destressing stress in English: Using wordplay to boost awareness, intelligibility, and communicative competence |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 39 | Team learning potential in TESOL practice |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 40 | An informal account of how I learned about English rhythm |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 41 | Teachers’ frequently asked questions about focused written corrective feedback |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 42 | Linking reading and writing with picture books: A literacy buddy approach in rural Taiwan |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 43 | Discipline specificity and students’ English writing proficiency: A case of collaborative teaching for transfer |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 44 | EFL learners’ critical multimodal reflections on the politics of English |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 45 | Inspiring creativity in first graders in a public school in Colombia |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 46 | Comparing language skill priorities among TESOL faculty and ESL students bound for English‐medium universities |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 47 | Tailoring academic words to multidisciplinary EAP classes |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 48 | Promoting multilingualism for English learners: The Seal of Biliteracy in Washington State |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 49 | Teachers’ misunderstandings about hybrid language use: Insights into teacher education |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 50 | Interweaving technology and language goals to promote academic vocabulary: The role of WhatsApp in an intensive English classroom |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 51 | Classroom comradery: The importance of interpersonal relationships for EAL students |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 52 | Her Own Worst Enemy: A Serious Comedy About Choosing A Career |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 53 | Learning Oriented Assessment: A Systemic Approach , Jones, Neil , Saville, Nick and Salamoura, Angeliki Cambridge university press. Isbn 978‐1‐31650‐788‐9. Usd $67.00 (Pbk). Xviii + 148 pages. |
Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | Article 54 | Self‐Study Of Language And Literacy Education Practices: Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Contexts , Sharkey, Judy , Madigan Peercy, Megan Emerald Publishing. ISBN 978‐78754‐538‐0. Price USD 124.95 (hardcover). 304 pages |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 55 | An identity‐oriented lens to TESOL teachers’ lives: Introducing the special issue |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 56 | Nonnative‐English‐speaking teacher candidates’ language teacher identity development in graduate TESOL preparation programs: A review of the literature |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 57 | Black teachers of English in South Korea: Constructing identities as a native English speaker and English language teaching professional |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 58 | Exploring professional identities of nonnative‐English‐speaking teachers in the United States: A narrative case study |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 59 | The ghost of nativespeakerism: The case of teacher classroom introductions in transnational contexts |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 60 | Identity exploration and development in TESOL teacher education: A three‐dimensional space narrative inquiry perspective |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 61 | Identities and ideologies in a language teacher candidate's autoethnography: Making meaning of storied experience |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 62 | Fostering volunteer ESL teacher identity through reflection on apprenticeship of observation |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 63 | From comfort zone to challenge: Toward a dynamic model of English Language teacher advocacy in secondary education |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 64 | Exploring TESOL teacher educators as learners and reflective scholars: A shared narrative inquiry |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 65 | To switch or not to switch: Bilingual preservice teachers and translanguaging in teaching and learning |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 66 | Shared identities through translanguaging practices in the multilingual mariachi classroom |
Vol. 10 | Issue 4 | Article 67 | A novice TESOL teacher’s professional identity and evolving commitment |
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