【限时资源,期刊全文】Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2019年论文集-共53篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2019年论文集、即第30卷第1-6期共53篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失
Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2019年论文集-共53篇论文(侵删)
卷号 | 期号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 01 | Crossing the gain line: Migration, sport and national belonging on Facebook |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 02 | Emotion in politics: Affective-discursive practices in UKIP and Labour |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 03 | Reports on categorization and classification of human rights violations in Chile (1974–1978) |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 04 | British newspapers’ stance towards the Syrian refugee crisis: An appraisal model study |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 05 | Social class struggle as a Greek political discourse |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 06 | Book review: John Richardson, British Fascism: A Discourse-Historical Analysis |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 07 | Book review: Siân Preece (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 08 | Book review: Ingrid Piller, Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 09 | Book review: Can Küçükali, Discursive Strategies and Political Hegemony: The Turkish Case |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 10 | Book review: Patricia Bou-Franch (ed.), Exploring Language Aggression against Women |
Vol. 30 | Issue 1 | Article 11 | Book review: Jinhyun Cho, English Language Ideologies in Korea: Interpreting the Past and the Present |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 12 | When citizens talk: Stance and representation in online discourse on Biafra agitations |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 13 | ‘Hitlahamut’: A term for unreasonable populist public talk in Israel |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 14 | Pledging to harm: A linguistic appraisal analysis of judgment comparing realized and non-realized violent fantasies |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 15 | ‘Alternative facts are not facts’: Gaffe-announcements, the Trump administration and the media |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 16 | Speaking on behalf of oneself and others: Negotiating speaker identities in journalistic discourse on refugee activism in Sweden |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 17 | Book review: Shi-Xu, Kwesi Kwaa Prah and María Laura Pardo, Discourses of the Developing World: Researching Properties, Problems and Potentials |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 18 | Book review: Catalina Fuentes-Rodríguez and Gloria Álvarez-Benito (eds), A Gender-based Approach to Parliamentary Discourse: The Andalusian Parliament |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 19 | Book review: Paul McIlvenny, Julia Zhukova Klausen and Laura Bang Lindegaard, Studies of discourse and governmentality: New perspectives and methods |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 20 | Book review: Mariana Achugar, Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History: (Re)Making Our Past |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 21 | Book review: Vijay K Bhatia, Critical Genre Analysis: Investigating Interdiscursive Performance in Professional Practice |
Vol. 30 | Issue 2 | Article 22 | Book review: Giuseppe Balirano, Gardaí and Badfellas, The Discursive Construction of Organized Crime in the Irish Media |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 23 | Beyond risk and safety? Identifying shifts in sex education advice targeted at young women |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 24 | Beyond risk and safety? Identifying shifts in sex education advice targeted at young women |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 25 | The ambivalence of detail – documenting wiretapped phone conversations by the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 26 | Too good to be true: The effect of conciliatory message design on compromising attitudes in intractable conflicts |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 27 | The power of discourse: How agency is constructed and constituted in discourse of smart technologies, systems and associated developments |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 28 | Discursive strategies employed by homosexual Malaysian Muslim men in talking about homosexuality in Islam |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 29 | Book review: Robin E Jensen, Infertility: Tracing the History of a Transformative Term |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 30 | Book review: Uju Anya, Racialized Identities in Second Language Learning: Speaking Blackness in Brazil |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 31 | Book review: Ana Tominc, The Discursive Construction of Class and Lifestyle: Celebrity Chef Cookbooks in Post-Socialist Slovenia |
Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | Article 32 | Book review: Bob Hodge, Social Semiotics for a Complex World |
Vol. 30 | Issue 4 | Article 33 | Voices of masculinity: Men’s talk in Hungarian university dormitories |
Vol. 30 | Issue 4 | Article 34 | Double stance discourse: Managing social and personal identity at work |
Vol. 30 | Issue 4 | Article 35 | Racism toward the Roma through the affordances of Facebook: bonding, laughter and spite |
Vol. 30 | Issue 4 | Article 36 | Indigenous peoples in public media: A critical discourse analysis of the human zoo case |
Vol. 30 | Issue 4 | Article 37 | At the heart and in the margins: Discursive construction of British national identity in relation to the EU in British parliamentary debates from 1973 to 2015 |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 38 | Political graffiti in May 2018 at Nanterre University: A linguistic ethnographic analysis |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 39 | Acculturation as intergenerational trajectory and accountability concerns in immigrant youth discourse |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 40 | Reproducing patriotism: An exploration of ‘freedom’ in US history textbooks |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 41 | Discursive legitimation strategies: The evolving legitimation of war in Israeli public diplomacy |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 42 | Political transparency matters: Citizens challenging officials via ‘have you planned X’-type questions |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 43 | Book review: Monika Kopytowska (ed.), Contemporary Discourses of Hate and Radicalism across Space and Genres |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 44 | Book review: Maurizio Gotti, Stefania Maci and Michele Sala (eds), Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 45 | Book review: Adriana Bolívar, Political Discourse as Dialogue. A Latin American Perspective |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 46 | Book review: Yannik Porsché, Public Representations of Immigrants in Museums: Exhibition and Exposure in France and Germany |
Vol. 30 | Issue 5 | Article 47 | Book review: Monica Heller and Bonnie McElhinny, Language, Capitalism, Colonialism: Toward a Critical History |
Vol. 30 | Issue 6 | Article 48 | Discriminatory discursive strategies in online comments on YouTube videos on the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement by Mainland and Hong Kong Chinese |
Vol. 30 | Issue 6 | Article 49 | Bordering work in contemporary political discourse: The case of the US/Mexico border wall proposal |
Vol. 30 | Issue 6 | Article 50 | Critical affect studies: On applying discourse analysis in research on affect, body and power |
Vol. 30 | Issue 6 | Article 51 | Australian news media constructions and categorisations of primary caregiving fathers |
Vol. 30 | Issue 6 | Article 52 | ‘Do you think it’s a crime?’ Building joint understanding of victimisation in calls for help |
Vol. 30 | Issue 6 | Article 53 | Gunther Rolf Kress (26 November 1940 – 20 June 2019) |
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