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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2019年论文集、即第30卷第1-6期共53篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失

Discourse & Society《话语和社会》2019年论文集-共53篇论文(侵删)



Vol. 30Issue 1Article 01Crossing the gain line: Migration, sport and national belonging on Facebook
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 02Emotion in politics: Affective-discursive practices in UKIP and Labour
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 03Reports on categorization and classification of human rights violations in Chile (1974–1978)
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 04British newspapers’ stance towards the Syrian refugee crisis: An appraisal model study
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 05Social class struggle as a Greek political discourse
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 06Book review: John Richardson, British Fascism: A Discourse-Historical Analysis
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 07Book review: Siân Preece (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 08Book review: Ingrid Piller, Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 09Book review: Can Küçükali, Discursive Strategies and Political Hegemony: The Turkish Case
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 10Book review: Patricia Bou-Franch (ed.), Exploring Language Aggression against Women
Vol. 30Issue 1Article 11Book review: Jinhyun Cho, English Language Ideologies in Korea: Interpreting the Past and the Present
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 12When citizens talk: Stance and representation in online discourse on Biafra agitations
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 13‘Hitlahamut’: A term for unreasonable populist public talk in Israel
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 14Pledging to harm: A linguistic appraisal analysis of judgment comparing realized and non-realized violent fantasies
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 15‘Alternative facts are not facts’: Gaffe-announcements, the Trump administration and the media
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 16Speaking on behalf of oneself and others: Negotiating speaker identities in journalistic discourse on refugee activism in Sweden
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 17Book review: Shi-Xu, Kwesi Kwaa Prah and María Laura Pardo, Discourses of the Developing World: Researching Properties, Problems and Potentials
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 18Book review: Catalina Fuentes-Rodríguez and Gloria Álvarez-Benito (eds), A Gender-based Approach to Parliamentary Discourse: The Andalusian Parliament
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 19Book review: Paul McIlvenny, Julia Zhukova Klausen and Laura Bang Lindegaard, Studies of discourse and governmentality: New perspectives and methods
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 20Book review: Mariana Achugar, Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History: (Re)Making Our Past
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 21Book review: Vijay K Bhatia, Critical Genre Analysis: Investigating Interdiscursive Performance in Professional Practice
Vol. 30Issue 2Article 22Book review: Giuseppe Balirano, Gardaí and Badfellas, The Discursive Construction of Organized Crime in the Irish Media
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 23Beyond risk and safety? Identifying shifts in sex education advice targeted at young women
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 24Beyond risk and safety? Identifying shifts in sex education advice targeted at young women
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 25The ambivalence of detail – documenting wiretapped phone conversations by the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 26Too good to be true: The effect of conciliatory message design on compromising attitudes in intractable conflicts
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 27The power of discourse: How agency is constructed and constituted in discourse of smart technologies, systems and associated developments
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 28Discursive strategies employed by homosexual Malaysian Muslim men in talking about homosexuality in Islam
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 29Book review: Robin E Jensen, Infertility: Tracing the History of a Transformative Term
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 30Book review: Uju Anya, Racialized Identities in Second Language Learning: Speaking Blackness in Brazil
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 31Book review: Ana Tominc, The Discursive Construction of Class and Lifestyle: Celebrity Chef Cookbooks in Post-Socialist Slovenia
Vol. 30Issue 3Article 32Book review: Bob Hodge, Social Semiotics for a Complex World
Vol. 30Issue 4Article 33Voices of masculinity: Men’s talk in Hungarian university dormitories
Vol. 30Issue 4Article 34Double stance discourse: Managing social and personal identity at work
Vol. 30Issue 4Article 35Racism toward the Roma through the affordances of Facebook: bonding, laughter and spite
Vol. 30Issue 4Article 36Indigenous peoples in public media: A critical discourse analysis of the human zoo case
Vol. 30Issue 4Article 37At the heart and in the margins: Discursive construction of British national identity in relation to the EU in British parliamentary debates from 1973 to 2015
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 38Political graffiti in May 2018 at Nanterre University: A linguistic ethnographic analysis
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 39Acculturation as intergenerational trajectory and accountability concerns in immigrant youth discourse
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 40Reproducing patriotism: An exploration of ‘freedom’ in US history textbooks
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 41Discursive legitimation strategies: The evolving legitimation of war in Israeli public diplomacy
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 42Political transparency matters: Citizens challenging officials via ‘have you planned X’-type questions
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 43Book review: Monika Kopytowska (ed.), Contemporary Discourses of Hate and Radicalism across Space and Genres
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 44Book review: Maurizio Gotti, Stefania Maci and Michele Sala (eds), Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 45Book review: Adriana Bolívar, Political Discourse as Dialogue. A Latin American Perspective
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 46Book review: Yannik Porsché, Public Representations of Immigrants in Museums: Exhibition and Exposure in France and Germany
Vol. 30Issue 5Article 47Book review: Monica Heller and Bonnie McElhinny, Language, Capitalism, Colonialism: Toward a Critical History
Vol. 30Issue 6Article 48Discriminatory discursive strategies in online comments on YouTube videos on the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement by Mainland and Hong Kong Chinese
Vol. 30Issue 6Article 49Bordering work in contemporary political discourse: The case of the US/Mexico border wall proposal
Vol. 30Issue 6Article 50Critical affect studies: On applying discourse analysis in research on affect, body and power
Vol. 30Issue 6Article 51Australian news media constructions and categorisations of primary caregiving fathers
Vol. 30Issue 6Article 52‘Do you think it’s a crime?’ Building joint understanding of victimisation in calls for help
Vol. 30Issue 6Article 53Gunther Rolf Kress (26 November 1940 – 20 June 2019)
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