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本期推送的是Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting on Phonology(2019年音系学年会论文集),共29篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,该资源永久有效!
Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting on Phonology
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
00 | Note | Baek et al. | Editors' note |
01 | Proceedings | Gong & Zhang | Gradient Acceptability in Mandarin Nonword Judgment |
02 | Proceedings | Storme & Lancien | A contrast-based account of word-final tensing |
03 | Proceedings | Smolensky et al. | Learning a gradient grammar of French liaison |
04 | Proceedings | Miller | Navigating the Phonology-Syntax Interface and Tri-P Mapping |
05 | Proceedings | Smith | Partial Height Harmony as Partial Transparency |
06 | Proceedings | McCollum | Sonority-driven stress and vowel reduction in Uyghur |
07 | Proceedings | Luchkina et al. | When You CAN See the Difference: The Phonetic Basis of Sonority in American Sign Language |
08 | Proceedings | Magri & Storme | Constraint summation in phonological theory |
09 | Proceedings | Koser & Jardine | The computational nature of stress assignment |
10 | Proceedings | Garvin et al. | Modeling Vowel Quantity Scales in Q Theory |
11 | Proceedings | Shih | Gradient categories in lexically-conditioned phonology: An example from sound symbolism |
12 | Supplemental Proceedings | DelBusso | Learning with Properties: Restrictiveness and Typological Structure |
13 | Supplemental Proceedings | Kempton & Pearce | Corpus Phonetics for Under-Documented Languages: A Vowel Harmony Example |
14 | Supplemental Proceedings | Rolle & Lionnet | Phantom structure: A representational account of floating tone association |
15 | Supplemental Proceedings | Andersson et al. | Computing Vowel Harmony: The Generative Capacity of Search & Copy |
16 | Supplemental Proceedings | Bennett & DelBusso | Cross-level Correspondence in Q Theory |
17 | Supplemental Proceedings | Mai & Bakovic | Cumulative constraint interaction and the equalizer of OT and HG |
18 | Supplemental Proceedings | Rosen | Predicting surface forms in complex inflectional paradigms through phonological constraints |
19 | Supplemental Proceedings | Storme | Gradient behavior without gradient underlying representations: the case of French liaison |
20 | Supplemental Proceedings | Pickett | Variables Must be Limited to a Single Feature |
21 | Supplemental Proceedings | Hall | Testing the P-Map: Lenition and Position |
22 | Supplemental Proceedings | Rodriguez & Clemens | Tone lowering in nominal compounds of Copala Triqui |
23 | Supplemental Proceedings | Hauser | Coarticulation with alveopalatal sibilants in Mandarin and Polish: Phonetics or phonology? |
24 | Supplemental Proceedings | Rebrus et al. | Variation, the Height Effect, and Disharmony in Hungarian Front/Back Harmony |
25 | Supplemental Proceedings | Nazarov | Bedouin Arabic multiple opacity with indexed constraints in Parallel OT |
26 | Supplemental Proceedings | Ulrich & Schwindt | Prosodic independence of affixes in Brazilian Portuguese: an experimental approach |
27 | Supplemental Proceedings | Mamadou & Jardine | Representation and the Computation of Long Distance Tone Processes |
28 | Supplemental Proceedings | Golston & Krämer | Diphthongs are micro-feet: Prominence and sonority in the nucleus |
29 | Supplemental Proceedings | Lee | Prosody and EPP in Swahili |
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