【每日期刊】Language, Cognition and Neuroscience《语言,认知与神经科学》2020年第35卷第7期-共14篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language, Cognition and Neuroscience《语言,认知与神经科学》2020年第35卷第7期的14篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载。
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience《语言,认知与神经科学》2020年第35卷第7期-共14篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Review Ariticle | Hinojosa et al. | Affective neurolinguistics: towards a framework for reconciling language and emotion |
02 | Commentary | Wu & Zhang | Emotion word type should be incorporated in affective neurolinguistics: a commentary on Hinojosa, Moreno and Ferré (2019) |
03 | Commentary | Herbert | Where are the emotions in written words and phrases? Commentary on Hinojosa, Moreno and Ferré: affective neurolinguistics: towards a framework for reconciling language and emotion (2019) |
04 | Commentary | Kissler | Affective neurolinguistics: a new field to grow at the intersection of emotion and language? – Commentary on Hinojosa et al., 2019 |
05 | Commentary | Fraga | Two brains in one mind or … why we should not take for granted the interaction between morphosyntactic and affective processing: a commentary on Hinojosa, Moreno, and Ferré (2019) |
06 | Commentary | Molinaro | “Words and emotions in sentence context”: a commentary on Hinojosa, Moreno and Ferré (2019) |
07 | Commentary | Citron | Language that conveys emotion: a commentary on Hinojosa, Moreno and Ferré (2019) |
08 | Commentary | Duñabeitia & García-Palacios | The transdisciplinary nature of affective neurolinguistics: a commentary on Hinojosa, Moreno and Ferré (2019) |
09 | Commentary | Berkum | Inclusive affective neurolinguistics |
10 | Reply | Hinojosa et al. | On the limits of affective neurolinguistics: a “universe” that quickly expands |
11 | Ariticle | Liu et al. | The generalizability of inhibition-related processes in the comprehension of linguistic negation. ERP evidence from the Mandarin language |
12 | Ariticle | Özer & Göksun | Visual-spatial and verbal abilities differentially affect processing of gestural vs. spoken expressions |
13 | Ariticle | Jongman et al. | Planning for language production: the electrophysiological signature of attention to the cue to speak |
14 | Ariticle | Kaufeld et al. | Contextual speech rate influences morphosyntactic prediction and integration |
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