【每日期刊】International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders《国际语言与沟通障碍杂志》2021年第56卷第2期-共15篇论文(侵删)
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本篇推送的是SSCI期刊——International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders《国际语言与沟通障碍杂志》最新一期、即2021年第56卷第2期的15篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders《国际语言与沟通障碍杂志》2021年第56卷第2期-共15篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Report | Bright et al. | Therapeutic relationships in aphasia rehabilitation: Using sociological theories to promote critical reflexivity |
02 | Report | Trembath et al. | The relationship between language difficulties, psychosocial difficulties and speech–language pathology service access in the community |
03 | Report | Burns et al. | Speech–language therapists’ perceptions of an eLearning program to support training in videofluoroscopic swallow studies |
04 | Report | Ramos et al. | Effect of boost articulation therapy (BArT) on intelligibility in adults with dysarthria |
05 | Report | Carl & Icht | Acoustic vowel analysis and speech intelligibility in young adult Hebrew speakers: Developmental dysarthria versus typical development |
06 | Report | Wren et al. | Educational outcomes associated with persistent speech disorder |
07 | Report | Kwok et al. | Strengths and challenges of the COSMIN tools in outcome measures appraisal: A case example for speech–language therapy |
08 | Report | Grimstvedt et al. | Speech and language difficulties in Huntington's disease: A qualitative study of patients’ and professional caregivers’ experiences |
09 | Report | Bootsma et al. | Expression of propositional attitudes in conversation by adults with traumatic brain injury: A relevance theoretic approach |
10 | Report | Melvin et al. | Exploring the complexity of how families are engaged in early speech–language pathology intervention using video‐reflexive ethnography |
11 | Report | Meyer & Munson | Clinical experience and categorical perception of children's speech |
12 | Report | Smith et al. | Prevalence of language and pre‐literacy difficulties in an Australian cohort of 5‐year‐old children experiencing adversity |
13 | Report | Gold & Gold | The experience of speech–language therapists and audiologists when delivering bad news: A qualitative analysis |
14 | Review | Law et al. | Tele‐practice for children and young people with communication disabilities: Employing the COM‐B model to review the intervention literature and inform guidance for practitioners |
15 | Review | Wood & Standen | Is speech and language therapy effective at improving the communication of adults with intellectual disabilities?: A systematic review |
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