【每日刊讯】Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics《历史社会语言学杂志》2021年第7卷第1期-共4篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics《历史社会语言学杂志》最新一期、即2021年第7卷第1期的4篇论文(侵删) 。
Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics《历史社会语言学杂志》2021年第7卷第1期-共4篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Zuloaga & Krajewska | Authors and languages in a sociohistorical context: Basque religious literature in seventeenth-century France |
02 | Article | Birchfield & Coto-Solano | “I am not that I play” – The use of hypercorrection in the performance of gender by Shakespeare’s ‘breeches’ parts |
03 | Article | Krogull & Rutten | Reviving the genitive. Prescription and practice in the Netherlands (1770–1840) |
04 | Article | Campeny | Code-switching Llibre dels Fets: Language ideology in the 13th century Crown of Aragon |
05 | Article | Yampolskaya | Evidence of a T/V distinction in European Hebrew |
06 | Review | Strelluf | Nunnally, Thomas E: Speaking of Alabama. The History, Diversity, Function, and Change of Language |
07 | Review | Oudesluijs | Sandra Jansen & Lucia Siebers (eds.): Processes of Change. Studies in Late Modern and Present-Day English (Studies in Language Variation 21) |
08 | Review | Włodarczyk | Annick Paternoster and Susan Fitzmaurice: Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series 299) |
09 | Review | Whitt | Rautionaho Paula, Arja Nurmi and Juhani Klemola: Corpora and the changing society: Studies in the evolution of English |
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