【每日刊讯】Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA《汉语教学研究——美国中文教师学会学报》2021年第56卷第1期-共5篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是知名期刊——Chinese as a Second Language《汉语教学研究——美国中文教师学会学报》最新一期、即2021年第56卷第1期的5篇论文(侵删)
Chinese as a Second Language. The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA《汉语教学研究——美国中文教师学会学报》2021年第56卷第1期-共5篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Chao & Moratto | 台湾对外汉语教学学科研究的发展与前景 |
02 | Article | Yang | The influence of L1 translation familiarity on the acquisition of L2 Chinese antonyms |
03 | Article | Walters | Staying afloat |
04 | Review | Yang | Review of Zhang & Jian (2021): The Third Space and Chinese Language Pedagogy: Negotiating Intentions and Expectations in Another Culture |
05 | Review | Li | Review of Zeng (2019): Perform Chun Cao: A Multimedia Advanced Chinese Course |
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