【每日刊讯】Brain and Language《大脑和语言》2021年第223卷-共11篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Brain and Language《大脑和语言》2021年第223卷的11篇论文(侵删)。
Brain and Language《大脑和语言》2021年第223卷-共11篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Giordano | Accent discrimination abilities during the first days of life: An fNIRS study |
02 | Article | Williams et al. | Language changes in Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review of verb processing |
03 | Article | Johnson et al. | Abnormally weak functional connections get stronger in chronic stroke patients who benefit from naming therapy |
04 | Article | Timmer et al. | The source of attention modulations in bilingual language contexts |
05 | Article | Emmorey et al. | The neural correlates for spatial language: Perspective-dependent and -independent relationships in American Sign Language and spoken English |
06 | Article | Zhang et al. | Language immersion and language training: Two paths to enhanced language regulation and cognitive control |
07 | Article | Mitelman et al. | Reading abilities and dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability: An inverted U-shaped association in subjects with schizophrenia |
08 | Article | Qin et al. | Neural responses in novice learners’ perceptual learning and generalization of lexical tones: The effect of training variability |
09 | Article | Kapnoula & McMurray | Idiosyncratic use of bottom-up and top-down information leads to differences in speech perception flexibility: Converging evidence from ERPs and eye-tracking |
10 | Article | Soares et al. | Determinants of bilingualism predict dynamic changes in resting state EEG oscillations |
11 | Article | Marian et al. | Spoken words activate native and non-native letter-to-sound mappings: Evidence from eye tracking |
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