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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Language Learning2019年的论文合集,即第69卷第1-4期共28篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以在三天内点击文末附件列表下载,三天后资源失效,敬请留意、及时下载!

Language Learning2019年全4期(第69卷第1-4期)论文合集




Vol. 69Issue 1EditorialExtending the Reach of Research: Introducing Open Accessible Summaries at Language Learning
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 01Incidental Learning and Long‐Term Retention of New Word Meanings From Stories: The Effect of Number of Exposures
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 02Noncolloquial Arabic in Tunisian Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Possible Instance of Language Acquisition in a Noninteractive Context
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 03Talker and Acoustic Variability in Learning to Produce Nonnative Sounds: Evidence from Articulatory Training
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 04First Language Attrition as a Function of Age at Onset of Bilingualism: First Language Attainment of Turkish–English Bilinguals in the United Kingdom
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 05Segmentation of Highly Vocalic Speech Via Statistical Learning: Initial Results From Danish, Norwegian, and English
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 06Gesture and Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 07Primed From the Start: Syntactic Priming During the First Days of Language Learning
Vol. 69Issue 1Article 08Enhanced Second Language Vocabulary Learning Through Phonological Specificity Training in Adolescents
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 09Assessing Children's Understanding of Complex Syntax: A Comparison of Two Methods
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 10Domain‐General Cognitive Ability Predicts Bilingual Children's Receptive Vocabulary in the Majority Language
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 11Contrasting Explicit With Implicit Measures of Children's Representations: The Case of Segmental Phonology
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 12Feature Acquisition in Second Language Phonetic Development: Evidence From Phonetic Training
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 13The Development of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of Collocations: A Conceptual Replication and Extension of Sonbul and Schmitt (2013)
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 14Assessing Phraseological Development in Word Sequences of Variable Lengths in Second Language Texts Using Directional Association Measures
Vol. 69Issue 2Article 15On Bilingual Aptitude for Learning New Languages: The Roles of Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Individual Differences
Vol. 69Issue 3AnnouncementsAnnouncements and Grant Programs
Vol. 69Issue 3Article 16Statistical Regularities Affect the Perception of Second Language Speech: Evidence From Adult Classroom Learners of Mandarin Chinese
Vol. 69Issue 3Article 17The Effects of Repetition on Incidental Vocabulary Learning: A Meta‐Analysis of Correlational Studies
Vol. 69Issue 3Article 18How Individual Differences Affect Learning of Translation‐Ambiguous Vocabulary
Vol. 69Issue 3Article 19Effects of Second Language Pronunciation Teaching Revisited: A Proposed Measurement Framework and Meta‐Analysis
Vol. 69Issue 3Article 20Gestures and Words in Naming: Evidence From Crosslinguistic and Crosscultural Comparison
Vol. 69Issue 3Article 21The Impact of Instruction and Out‐of‐School Exposure to Foreign Language Input on Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge in Two Languages
Vol. 69Issue 4EditorialInclusion of Research Materials When Submitting an Article to Language Learning
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 22Phonological Awareness Trajectories: Young Spanish–English and Cantonese–English Bilinguals
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 23More Than Frequency? Exploring Predictors of Word Difficulty for Second Language Learners
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 24Particle Placement in Learner Language
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 25Using Variationism and Learner Corpus Research to Investigate Grammatical Gender Marking in Additional Language Spanish
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 26Learners’ English Vocabulary Knowledge Prior to Formal Instruction: The Role of Learner‐Related and Word‐Related Variables
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 27Specifying the Academic Language Skills That Support Text Understanding in the Middle Grades: The Design and Validation of the Core Academic Language Skills Construct and Instrument
Vol. 69Issue 4Article 28Constructional Processing in a Second Language: The Role of Constructional Knowledge in Verb‐Construction Integration
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