






英国大学 | 杜伦、伯明翰、南安等院校新增了2021年春季课程

313 阅读 2020-08-18 09:13:02 上传

以下文章来源于 阿拉伯语语言学研究

目前有不少英国学生已经换到了uncon offer,也有很多学生确定了宿舍安排。为了保障国际生2020年秋季顺利入学,QUB英国女王大学已决定增派第二架专机,其他英国大学也都在考虑包机的可能性,比如Manchester曼彻斯特大学、York约克大学、Leeds利兹大学、Liverpool利物浦大学等,提醒学生注意查收校方发送的邮件,如果有包机需要,记得认真填写包机意向调查问卷。

此外,海南航空2020年秋季包机业务(联合院校)也在力求为符合条件的学生探索提供中国包机服务的可能性,参与的英国院校包括:Bath巴斯大学、Bristol布大、Cardiff卡迪夫大学、Cardiff Met卡迪夫城市大学、Exeter埃克塞特大学、Plymouth普利茅斯大学、USW南威尔士大学、Swansea斯旺西大学 、UWE西英格兰大学。请学生务必于英国夏令时间2020年8月5日23:59(北京时间8月6日06:59)前完成此表https://pro.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/hainan-charter-service

如果今年秋季未能顺利入学,也可考虑下2021年春季的课程,除了之前汇总的一些院校艾臻索引·英国大学 | 2021年春季入学专业增加啦,选择多多~这些英国大学也新增了春季课程哦!~

① Durham University 杜伦大学

MSc Accounting
MSc Finance
MSc Finance (Accounting and Finance)
MSc Management
MSc Management (Finance)
MSc Marketing

② University of Birmingham


MSc International Business
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc Human Resource Management - CIPD
MSc Money Banking and Finance
MSc International Money and Banking
MSc Advanced Computer Science
MSc Computer Science
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Masters in Public Administration
Masters in Public Administration - Finance
Masters in Public Administration - Human Resources
MSc Financial Engineering

③ University of York 约克大学


 Management School
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Business and Strategic Management
MSc Management with Business Finance
MSc Accounting and Financial Management
MSc Management
MSc Global Marketing
 Economics and Related Studies
MSc Project Analysis, Finance and Investment
MSc Finance
MSc Economics and Finance
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
MA Education
MA Social Justice and Education
MA Global and International Citizenship Education
MA Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching
MA Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching
MSc Financial Engineering
MSc Mathematical Finance
MSc Statistics and Computational Finance
 Electronic Engineering
MSc Engineering Management
MSc Social Media and Management
MA Music Education: Instrumental and Vocal Teaching
MA Music


 Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
MA Film and Television Production with Directing
MA Film and Television Production with Producing
MA Film and Television Production with Cinematography
MSc/MA Film and Television Production with Sound
MSc/MA Film and Television Production with Visual Effects
MA Theatre Making

▲ York约克大学,图片来源于Facebook 

④ University of Southampton


Southampton 南安普顿大学将所有 PGT 课程分为四个类别

第四类:2020-21 学年课程暂停


⑤ University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学



▲ Exeter埃克塞特大学,图片来源于Facebook 

⑥ University of Surrey


University of Surrey萨里大学新开设了2021年2月入学专业,新申请从今年8月开放申请,如已收到今年9月萨里大学offer的学生也可申请延期至2021年2月 

⑦ Cardiff University 卡迪夫大学

Cardiff University卡迪夫大学2020授课型硕士(PGT)开学时间学校进行了更新:以下所列的专业开学时间调整至10月、11月和2021年1月不等。以下列表没有包含的专业,开学时间不变,还是按照学生offer上的时间正常开学。


⑧ University for the Creative Arts 创意艺术大学

MBA (Epsom)
Global Masters in Business and Management (Epsom)
MA / MSc Fashion Business and Management (Epsom)
MA / MSc Global Marketing and Communications (with pathways) (Epsom)
MA Interior Design (Canterbury)
MA Visual Communications (Canterbury)
MA Film-making (Farnham)


⑨ Nottingham Trent University


 Accounting, finance and economics
MSc Finance and Investment Banking
MSc Finance and Accounting
MSc FinTech and Financial Markets
MSc Economics
MSc Economics, Banking and Finance
MSc Finance
 Architecture and civil engineering
MSc Digital Architecture and Construction
MSc Structural Engineering with Materials
MSc Structural Engineering with Management
MSc Civil Engineering
MA Interior Architecture and Design

 Art and design
MA Design: Products and Furniture
MSc Design: Products and Technology
MA Graphic Design
MA International Fashion Management
 Business, management and marketing
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
MSc Advertising and Marketing Communications
MSc Management
MSc Management and International Business
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing and Brand Management
Online Master of Business Administration
Online Master of Business Administration (Data Analytics)
 Computing and engineering
MSc Engineering Management
MSc Engineering (Cybernetics and Communications)
MSc Engineering (Electronics)
MSc IT Security
 English, history and philosophy
MA Museum and Heritage Development
 Property and construction
MSc Project Management (Construction)
MSc Construction Management
MSc Quantity Surveying
MSc International Real Estate Investment
 Media, journalism and communication
MA Broadcast Journalism
MA Media and Globalisation
 Politics and international studies
MA International Development
Online MA International Relations
MSc Biomedical Science
MSc Pharmacology
MSc Molecular Cell Biology
MSc Molecular Microbiology
MSc Biotechnology
MSc Neuropharmacology
MSc Biomedical Science (flexible learning)
MRes Cancer Biology
MRes Cell Biology
MRes Molecular Biology
MRes Pharmacology
MRes Molecular Microbiology
MRes Neuropharmacology
MRes Biotechnology
MSc Chemistry / Chemistry (Professional Practice)
MRes Analytical Chemistry
MRes Pharmaceutical Analysis
MRes Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science
MRes Chemistry
MRes Advanced Materials Chemistry
MRes Medical Imaging

▲ NTU诺丁汉特伦特大学,图片来源于Facebook 

⑩ The University of Northampton 北安普顿大学

BA(Hons) Business and Management 选修课多,易拿高分
BA(Hons) International Business Commerce 5.5 分直入,在读学生已获伯明翰、拉夫堡等名校offer
BSc(Hons) International Accounting 没有考试,纯会计课程+理学学位对口名校利兹、杜伦等名校会计金融硕士
MBA /MSc Project Management 无专业或工作背景需求,可选两年含一年带薪实习项目
MSc Accounting and Finance / MSc Computing 可选两年含一年带薪实习项目
MSc International Business Management 无专业或工作背景需求
MSc Advanced Design and Manufacturing 该课程受IMechE认证
MSc Leather Technology(Professional) 欧洲排名第一
MA Education 学生可前当地往学校观摩
MA Social Work 课程含100天的实习
MA Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 适合想从事特殊教育工作的学生

 London Metropolitan University 伦敦城市大学

已获得London Metropolitan伦敦城市大学2020年10月入学的录取,无需重新申请,可换取1月入学(前提是课程有1月份入学,大家可参考下方列表)

PG Cert Architecture: Professional Practice in Architecture (RIBA 3)
MSc Artificial Intelligence
QTS Assessment Only (AO) route to qualified teacher status
MSc Aviation Management in the Digital Age
MSc Biomedical Science
MSc Biomedical Studies (Distance Learning)
MSc Blood Science (Distance Learning)
MSc Blood Science
MSc Cancer Immunotherapy
MSc Cancer Pharmacology
MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security
MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security with Work Experience
MA Conference Interpreting
MSc Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
MA Creative, Digital and Professional Writing
MSc Crime, Violence and Prevention
MSc Criminology
MSc Data Analytics
MA Digital Media
MA Early Childhood Studies
MA Education
MA English Language Teaching (Distance Learning)
LLM Financial Services Law, Regulation and Compliance (Top-up)
MSc Food Science
MSc Health and Social Care Management and Policy
MSc Human Nutrition (Public Health / Sports)
MA Human Resource Management
MA Human Rights and International Conflict
MSc Information Technology (Distance Learning)
MSc International Banking and Finance
MSc International Business Management
MSc International Business Management with Project Management
MSc International Events, Leisure and Tourism Management
LLM International Oil, Gas and Energy Law (Top-up)
MA International Relations
MSc International Trade and Finance
MA Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
LLM Maritime Law (Top-Up) (Distance Learning)
MA Marketing
MBA Master of Business Administration
MA Master of Public Administration (MPA)
LLM Media and Entertainment Law (Top-up)
MSc Medical Genomics
MA Organised Crime and Global Security
MA Peace, Conflict and Diplomacy
MSc Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Delivery Systems
Prof Doc Policing, Security and Community Safety
MSc Political Violence and Radicalisation Studies
MSc Public Health
MA Safeguarding and Security
MA Teaching Languages (Arabic)
MA Teaching Languages (English)
MA Woman and Child Abuse
另外London Metropolitan伦敦城市大学还开设有2021年春季开学的本科https://www.londonmet.ac.uk/january/undergraduate/,1月开学本科课程的第一年将为压缩课程,来确保学生不耽误任何时间完成本科学习

 University of Roehampton


MA Children's Literature
MSc Computing
MFA Dance and Embodied Practice
MA Dance Practice and Performance
MSc Digital Marketing
MA Early Childhood Studies
MA Education Leadership and Management
MA Education Studies
MA Educational Practice
MSc Global Business Management
MSc Global Financial Management
MSc Global Human Resources Management
MSc Global Marketing
MA Inclusive Education: SEN and Disability
MBA with placement year
MA Popular Literature and Culture
MSc Psychology (Conversion)
MA Social Research Methods
MA Tudor Studies


⑬ BPP University

MSc Management (accept any subjects background)
MSc Management with Project Management (accept any subjects background)
MSc Accounting and Finance – 12 months
LLM programmes – 8 pathways
MSc Healthcare Leadership
MSc Psychology [Conversion]

▲ BPP大学,图片来源于Facebook 
