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以下文章来源于 语言学探索


Probably most people's interest in linguistics started with the classification of world languages, and terms like Germanic group or Sino-Tibetan family may have caught your eye when you were glancing through websites. So let's make a real investigation into the meaning of such terms, and have an overview of some amazing facts about world languages!

【太长不看版/For Slackers】

  • 世界上有约7000种语言,其中一些在发展壮大,一些则濒临灭绝。当前世界上使用人口最多的九种语言是:汉语、西班牙语、英语、阿拉伯语、印地语、孟加拉语、葡萄牙语、俄罗斯语、日语。联合国六大官方语言为:汉语,英语,法语,俄语,西班牙语,阿拉伯语。(There are about 7000 languages in the world. Some are growing, some are dying. The 10 most spoken languages are: Chinese, Spanish, English, Arabic, Hindi, Bangli, Portugese, Russian and Japanese. The six official languages of the United Nations are: Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic.)

  • 语言根据亲缘关系划分为语系、语族和语支。亲缘关系同时也反映了语言的演化历程。世界上的主要语系有:印欧语系、汉藏语系、闪含语系、阿尔泰语系等。语言学习的难度来自于该语言与母语之间的亲疏,而非语言本身。(Languages are categorized into families, groups and branches according to their closeness with each other. This categorization also reflect the language's evolutional course. Some major language families include: Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Semito-Hamitic, Altaic. The difficulty in learning a certain language comes from its remoteness to your mother tongue, rather than the language itself.)

  • 汉语主要有七大方言:官话、吴语、粤语闽语湘语赣语客家话。包括蒙古语、满语、藏语、壮语等少数民族语言,中国境内的本土语言有近300种。(The seven major dialects of Chinese are: Mandarin, Wu, Yue(Cantonese), Min(Hokkien), Xiang, Gan and Hakka. There are nearly 300 indigenous languages in China, including minority languages such as Mongolian, Manchu, Tibetan and Zhuang.)

  • 语言之间的分界线是模糊的,一种语言内的方言之间更是如此。没有哪一种语言比另一种语言更高级;方言也不比通用语低级。(Language boundaries are blurred, especially between dialects of the same language. No language is superior to any other. Dialects are not inferior to the standard speech.)


How many languages are there?

据Ethnologue: Languages of the World(21st edition)统计,目前世界上有7097种仍在使用的语言,其中三分之二在亚洲和非洲。使用人数最多的23种语言囊括了世界上二分之一的人口。历史上曾经存在过的语言,如拉丁语和梵语,已经几乎没有人使用,因此被称为“死语言”。由于全球化等因素,语言的多样性正在减少。目前世界上有约三分之一的语言拥有不到1000母语者,属于濒危语言

According to Ethnologue: Languages of the World (21st edition), there are currently 7097 languages still in use. 2/3 of them are from Asia and Africa. The most spoken 23 languages cover about half the world's population. Some languages in history, such as Latin and Sanskrit, now have hardly any users, hence they are called "dead languages". Due to globalization and some other factors, many languages are dying out. About 1/3 of nowaday languages have less than 1000 native speakers, which are thus considered as endangered.




Diachronic Linguistics


Diachronic linguistics, also called historical linguistics, was the main subject of 19th century linguists. They discovered that there are many similarities between European languages, and between them and Sanskrit in northern India, in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. After long exploration, they came to believe that these languages probably shared the same ancestor, and are like the dialects of the same ancient language, becoming mutually unintelligible because of long-time independent evolution. Through close investigation and comparison of linguistic data, the relationships among Indo-European languages became clear. Borrowing methods from biology and evolution theory, linguists used terms like family, group and branch to describe the heirarchy of language classification, and the idea "Indo-European family" was proposed. Later this method was used by European linguists to analyze and categorize languages from other parts of the world, and they made many conclusions that are still well accepted today. 



Phonology (the pronunciation of words) is most easily changed as time passes by, while vocabulary and grammar change rather slowly. The latter two then became the main evidence for the diachronic study of a language. Generally speaking, there are two aspects in a language that are quite unchangeable: word order and basic vocabulary. Basic vocabulary means words that refer to basic concepts in life, such as body parts, time, the sun and the moon (these are probably also the first words in a language). 


German and French are very different, while English seems to be in between. This is because English was profoundly influeced by French in history, obsorbing a great amount of words from it. One estimation says that about 40% of modern English vocabulary are from French or Latin; however, among the most commonly used 3000 words, non-English source words account for less than 10%. This shows why linguists find basic vocabulary a good indication of the "blood" of a language. In fact, both English and German are Germanic languages, while French is a Romance language.




This method encountered difficulty in dealing with East Asian languages. Due to geographical, historical, cultural and political factors, languages in East Asia enjoyed frequent communication and borrowing, especially between Japanese, Korean and Chinese. One peculiar fact is that Japanese and Chinese share many basic words, while their grammatical features are obviously different. Also, ancient Japanese used Chinese characters, which stood for meaning rather than sounds, to record their own language (so did ancient Koreans), making the situation even more complicated. The following table compared the grammatical differences between Chinese and Japanese. Chinese is an analytical language, which means it expresses meanings like tense or plurality by adding new characters rather than inflection; Japanese is an agglutinating languag, which means it changes verb endings to express grammatical meanings. As for word order, Chinese is basically an SVO language, while Japanese is SOV.

语法对比(@Paul Langfocus。URL:



A widely accepted solution is to treat Japanese and Korean as either isolated languages, or a sub-category of the Manchu-Tongusic group of the Altaic family. Different linguists may have different ideas about how world languages should be categorized. There are four major language families that are generally acknowleged: the Indo-European family, the Sino-Tibetan family, the Semito-Hamitic family, and the Altaic family. Other frequently mentioned families include: the Niger-Congo family, the Astronesian family, the Uralic family, and the Eskimo-Aleut family. 



Languages in China


Chinese scholars generally agree that modern Chinese has 7 major dialects: Mandarin, Wu, Yue(Cantonese), Min(Hokkien), Xiang, Gan and Hakka (the so-called "Taiwanese" is a form of Min). Among the dialects, Mandarin covers most regions and population. Mandarin is also the basis of Putonghua, the standard Chinese language (sometimes the term "Mandarin" is also used in its narrow sense to refer to Putonghua only). There are opinions that regard Jin, spoken in Shanxi province, as a major dialect as well, rather than a subcategory of Mandarin.



Apart from Chinese, there are many national minorities in China, most of which have their own languages. According to Ethnologue, there are 275 indigenous languages in China, including Chinese. Common minority languages include Mongolian, Manchu, Tibetan and Zhuang. After the establishment of the PRC, the government promoted the standardization and popularization of minority languages, and created writing systems for many of them.


Dialects and Official Languages


The existence of dialects is a normal phenomenon. Almost all languages have dialects. Even if a language is ridded of dialects due to violence, policies or cultural influences, new dialects will form up sooner or later, as long as more than one person speaks the language. In fact, language distribution is quite continuous, both temporally and spatially, and to strictly determine the boundaries of a language is impossible. One usually mentioned fact in linguistics is this: Go from Vienne to Amsterdam, and record the language spoken by the local people every ten kilometers. You will find that between every two sample points the people can communicate with each other, but two places from near Vienne and from near Amsterdam will have unintelligible languages, one German and the other Dutch.



In reality, when people are trying to define the boundaries of languages, they rely more on political, cultural and ethnical standards, rather than linguistic ones. For example, if we strickly perform the "mutual intelligibility" standard, the dialects of Chinese mentioned above must be regarded as different languages. However, despite phonological differences, these dialects share a lot in common in vocabulary and grammar, and they can all be quite well recorded with Chinese characters, thus treating them as individual languages is inappropriate. Another example is that of the Scandinavian languages. People speaking Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic can understand each other quite well, but they still see what they speak as severa languages rather than dialects of a single language, because they have different countries. As you can see, the definition of dialects and languages are more related to social factors. In linguistics all languages are equal: no language is superior or inferior to any other language.


Still, to eliminate illiteracy and to promote social development, most governments will set one or two widely spoken languages as the official language, and standardize it and expand its coverage. For example, the official language of China is Putonghua, and the official languages of Canada are English and French. It is curious, though, that English is not set as the official language of the United States; neither is Japanese the official language of Japan. In fact, the only place in the world where Japanese is an official language is Palau, a former Japanese colony. 


It is worth mentioning that the United Nations also has its own "official languages". In 1946 the General Assembly resolution 2(I) made Chinese, French, English, Russian and Spanish the five working languages of the UN. In 1973 Arabic was added as the sixth working language. The UN standard for English is British English, and for Chinese the simplified Chinese characters. 


Learning New Languages


Every language has its uniqueness. One language may be rich in vocabulary but have very simple grammar; another may have very regular morphology but complicated conjugation of verbs. According to N. Chomsky, the relation between a language and its components can be vaguely illustrated by this equation:



Here L stands for language, V for vocabulary, and G for gramamr. Human languages are close in their compexity. The true difficulty in learning a language comes from its remoteness to the learner's mother tongue, rather than the language itself. Therefore, it is relatively easy for European people to learn to speak the language of a neighboring country, but they may feel it really hard to learn an Asian language; a Japanese will probably find it challenging to speak Chinese very well, but not so much if they want to speak Korean. The following pictures compares the relation between average English level of citizens and linguistic distance from other languages of European countries. You can see there is a clear correlation.


