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以下文章来源于 理论语言学五道口站
《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第51期,总第115期)继续与大家分享“Linguistics Flash-Mobs”系列线上会议。本次会议时间为2020年9月24日,辩论双方为剑桥大学英语及应用语言学教授lanthi Maria Tsimpli与爱丁堡大学发展语言学教授Antonella Sorace。两人就“Second Language Acquisition”(二语习得)一题展开讨论,帕多瓦大学语言文学系讲师Elena Pagliarini担任主持。
注:本次分享已由主办者法兰克福大学和帕多瓦大学双聘语言学教授Cecilia Poletto及其团队、主要参会者lanthi Maria Tsimpli教授和Antonella Sorac教授授权转载。
Linguistics Flash-Mobs
特殊时期下,为了保持语言学社区的紧密联系,我们特推出“Linguistics Flash-Mobs” 系列视频会议。在每场会议中,两位著名学者将使用不同的框架对学界长期存在的理论问题进行一场场妙趣横生的“论战”!
此次线上活动由Cecilia Poletto主办,C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli协办。
"Linguistics Flash - Mobs" is a series of video conferences thought to be a way to keep the linguistic community connected during this troublesome period. In each conference, two seminal scholars will face long-standing theoretical issues making use of different frameworks: fun is guaranteed with these "sword fights"!
This project has been thought and organised by Cecilia Poletto, with the help of C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli.
Introduction to the key participants
lanthi Maria Tsimpli
lanthi Maria Tsimpli , 剑桥大学英语及应用语言学教授。此前,Tsimpli 教授曾在伦敦大学学院,泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔大学,剑桥大学(英语及应用语言学研究中心)和塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学教授语言学。她在塞萨洛尼基创立并领导的语言发展研究实验室主要从事关于第一及第二语言发展、双语、特殊语言障碍、布洛卡失语症、成人和儿童的第一及第二语言句子处理研究和眼动实验。她任Lingua杂志副主编,并是诸多杂志编委,包括:Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Second Language Research, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, Journal of Applied Linguistics, Biolinguistics (e-journal), Journal of Greek Linguistics.
lanthi Maria Tsimpli is Professor of English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. Before moving to Cambridge, Professor Tsimpli taught Linguistics at University College London, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, University of Cambridge (Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics) and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The Language Development Lab she founded and directed in Thessaloniki conducts research on first and second language development, bilingualism, SLI, Broca’s aphasia, native adult, child and L2 sentence processing and eye-movements. She is Associate Editor of Lingua and member of the Editorial Board of the journals Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Second Language Research, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, Journal of Applied Linguistics, Biolinguistics (e-journal) and Journal of Greek Linguistics.
She works on language development in the first and second language in children and adults, language impairment, attrition, bilingualism, language processing and the interaction between language, cognitive abilities and print exposure.
Antonella Sorace
Antonella Sorace,爱丁堡大学发展语言学教授。她曾在多所机构担任客座教授并参与科研项目,包括乌得勒支大学、特隆赫姆大学、特罗姆瑟大学、马克斯 · 普朗克心理语言学研究所、约翰·霍普金斯大学、密歇根州立大学、汉堡大学和锡耶纳大学。
Antonella Sorace is Professor of Developmental Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh. In her career she has held research appointments and visiting professorships at numerous institutions, including the University of Utrecht, the University of Trondheim, the University of Tromsø, the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Johns Hopkins University, Michigan State University, the University of Hamburg, and the University of Siena.
Her research focuses on a number of interrelated questions that bring together linguistics, experimental psychology and cognitive science, and her research achievements and publications span different sub-fields of scientific enquiry.
She works on language development in child and adult bilinguals, bilingualism and general cognition, gradience at the lexicon-syntax interface.
Elena Pagliarini
Elena Pagliarini就职于帕多瓦大学语言文学系。她的研究兴趣为母语习得中的句法-语义接口、语用推理,不同语言间逻辑词的语义解释,患有发展性阅读障碍和特定语言障碍儿童的预测能力。
Elena Pagliarini currently works at the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DISLL) of the University of Padova. Her research focus are: the syntax-semantics interface and pragmatic inferences in L1 acquisition; the semantic interpretation of logical words across different languages; the predictive abilities in children with Developmental Dyslexia and Specific Language Impairment.
Second Language Acquisition
三、关键期是否在二语习得中起作用? 如果答案为是,那么体现在哪些方面呢?
A. Do real disadvantages exist in plurilingualism?
B. Which is the role of formal instruction?
C. Does the critical period play a role in L2 acquisition? If so, in which domains?