







668 阅读 2021-04-27 10:08:05 上传

以下文章来源于 临床语言学








Faculty of Architecture


Master of Architecture (Design) (5月31日截止)

Master of Science in Conservation(3月26日截止)

Master of Science in Integrated Project Delivery(4月30日截止)


Faculty of Arts

文学院除了Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics,Master of Buddhist Counselling其他专业都还可以申请:

Master of Arts in the field of Art History(3月15日截止)

Master of Arts in the field of English Studies(3月26日截止)

Master of Arts in the field of Linguistics(3月30日截止)

Master of Arts in the field of Literary and Cultural Studies(3月5日截止)

Master of Buddhist Studies(3月17日截止)

Master of Fine Arts in the field of Creative Writing in English(3月30日截止)


HKU Business School

商学院的专业都是分批次进行审核,除了Part-time 的,都还能继续申请,Master of Business Administration 是3月31日截止,Master of Accounting, Master of Economics, Master of Finance, Master of Finance in Financial Technology, Master of Global Management, Master of Science in Business Analytics, Master of Science in Marketing 最终截止时间都是4月7日


Faculty of Dentistry



Faculty of Education

教育学院除了Master of Education 由2月1日延期至5月17日截止,其他专业都已经截止。


Faculty of Engineering



Faculty of Law



Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

李嘉诚医学院开设的全日制授课型硕士课程Master of Medical Sciences 5月31日截止, Master of Nursing 4月16日截止,Master of Public Health 主申请截止时间是4月30日,最终截止时间为6月30日,Master of Research in Medicine截止时间是12月31日。对于想申请药学相关专业的申请人,可以考了港大的研究型硕士和博士。


Faculty of Science

理学院各个专业申请截止时间不一样:Master of Data Science和Master of Statistics申请已经截止,Master of Science in Environmental Management, Master of Science in the field of Space Science 和Master of Science in the field of Applied Geosciences 4月30日截止。

Master of Science in the field of Food Safety and Toxicology 4月29日截止.


Faculty of Social Sciences


Master of Social Sciences in Criminology 3月12日截止, Master of Social Sciences in the field of Media, Culture and Creative Cities 3月31日截止, Master of Social Sciences in the field of Nonprofit Management 3月22日截止.







Analytical Chemistry MSc,Biotechnology MSc 和Mathematics for Educators MSc

6月1日截止,Data-Driven Modeling MSc 5月15日截止,Financial Mathematics MSc 3月25日截止



4月1日截止的有:Aeronautical Engineering MSc,Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering MSc,Civil Infrastructural Engineering and Management MSc,Engineering Enterprise Management MSc,Intelligent Building Technology and Management MSc,Mechanical Engineering MSc

5月31日截止的有:Electronic Engineering MSc,Telecommunications MSc,Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship MSc,IC Design Engineering MSc,


商科类部分专业已经在一二月份截止,目前还有Business Analytics MSc和Finance MSc 可以申请,4月1日截止。


人文社科类专业:Social Science MA已于2月8日截止,还有以下专业考研申请:Chinese Culture MA 4月15日截止,Global China Studies MSc,International Language Education -Teaching Chinese as a Second Language MA ,International Language Education - Teaching English as a Second Language MA,5月1日截止。


环境类专业 :

Master of Science Programs in Environmental Engineering and Management   4月1日截止, Master of Science Program in Environmental Health and Safety, Master of Science Programs in Environmental Science and Management   6月1日截止






Faculty of Arts


MA in Chinese Studies,MA in Comparative and Public History,4.30

MA in Japanese Studies 3.31,MA in Buddhist Studies 4.12

MA in Religious Studies 4.23

MA in Christian Studies,Master of Divinity 4.9


Faculty of Business Administration


Master of Accountancy 4月23日截止, MBA 4月19日截止,MSc in Business Analytics 3月5日截止,MSc in Information and Technology Management, MSc in Management 3月12日截止,MSc in Marketing, MSc in Real Estate 4月27日截止。


Faculty of Education


MA in School Improvement and Leadership, MSc in Sports Science and Physical Activity 4月30日截止


Faculty of Engineering

少数专业已经截止,目前还有以下专业可以申请:MSc in Biomedical Engineering, MSc in Mechanical and Automation Engineering 4月30日截止,MSc in Computer Science, MSc in E-Commerce and Logistics Technologies,MSc in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 3月31日截止,MSc in Electronic Engineering 4月19日截止,MSc in Financial Technology 4月12日截止。


Faculty of Inter-Faculty

MA in Gender Studies 3月15日截止


Faculty of Law

Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law,Master of Laws in Common Law,Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law,Master of Laws in International Economic Law,4月9日截止


Faculty of Medicine

MSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences,MSc in Chinese Medicine,MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-Life Care,MSc in Diagnostic Ultrasonography,Master of Clinical Pharmacy,MSc in Prehospital and Emergency Care 3月31日截止。MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics,MSc in Cardiology,MSc in Gastroenterology,MSc in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Orthopaedics,MSc in Sports Medicine and Health Science,4月30日截止。Master of Public Health,MSc in Epidemiology and Biostatistics 5月1日截止。MSc in Health Services Management 5月31日截止。


Faculty of Science

MSc in Biochemical and Biomedical Sciences,MSc in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology 4月12日截止,MSc in Mathematics 3月31日截止,MSc in Physics 4月30日截止。


Faculty of Social Science

MSc in Urban Design 4月16日截止,MSc in Economics 3月26日截止,MSc in GeoInformation Science, MSSc in Sustainable Tourism,MSc in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management,4月30日截止,MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China) ,MSSc in Public Policy 3月31日截止,MA in Family Counselling and Family Education,MA in Social Policy,MA in Social Service Management,Master of Social Work,MSSc in Social Work 3月15日截止。






Master of Science in Engineering Business Management 

Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management

MSc in Supply Chain and Logistics Management


January intake (Application Deadline: 15 October)

August intake (Application Deadline: 1st Round - 15 November / 2nd Round - 31 May)





College of Business

商学院个别专业如MA International Accounting已经截止,其他大部分专业是3月31日截止:

MSc Business and Data Analytics 4月27日截止

MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management 5月28日截止


College of Engineering


3月31截止的有:MSc Biomedical Engineering,MSc Electronic Commerce,MSc Computer Science,MSc Mechanical Engineering

5月31日截止的有: MSc Construction Management,MSc Civil and Architectural Engineering, Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning,MSc Electronic Information Engineering, MSc Multimedia Information Technology

4月30日截止的有MSc Engineering Management,5月28截止的有MSc Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology。


College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

3月31截止的有:MA English Studies, MA Language Studies, MA Public Policy and Management, MA Housing and Urban Management, MSocSc Counselling, MSocSc Psychology, MA Applied Social Sciences

4月30日截止的有: MA Integrated Marketing Communication, MA Communication and New Media

5月31日截止的有: MSocSc Development Studies, MA International Studies,

4月15日截止:MA Chinese


College of Science

MSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics已经截止。MSc Chemistry, MSc Applied Physics 3月31日截止。


Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences

Master of Science in Health Sciences and Management 3月31日截止


School of Creative Media

MFA Creative Media,MA Creative Media 4月30日截止


School of Data Science

Master of Science in Data Science 4月30日截止


School of Energy and Environment

MSc Energy and Environment 3月31日截止


School of Law

Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 5月31日截止

Master of Laws 5月14日截止








