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硕士招生 | 意大利维罗纳大学语言学硕士全额奖学金招生
The University of Verona hereby announces a public selection for pre-admissions to International Master’s degree programmes for non-EU students holding a foreign academic degree and living outside the European Union.
Successful candidates will be provided with a “pre-admission letter” that they will have to submit to the Italian diplomatic authority (Embassy or Consulate) in their home country in order to start the pre-enrolment procedures for their chosen Master’s degree programme at the University of Verona. The University of Verona shall award no. 16 scholarships for top candidates for the 2020-2021 academic year. Eligible candidates are non-EU citizens holding a foreign degree who do not live in the European Union.
Deadline for applications: 31 March 2020, 12:00 pm (Italian time).
The Master’s degree programme in Linguistics at the University of Verona provides students with advanced knowledge of linguistics, in both its theoretical and applied aspects. This programme, entirely taught in English and other languages depending on the modules chosen by the students (French, Spanish, German, Russian and Italian) is a comprehensive international programme, with a specific focus on the European context.
The programme is enhanced through international lectures and modules held by guest lecturers and professors as part of an interdepartmental initiative with a strong interdisciplinary approach.
Upon completion of the programme, graduates will have gained a wide range of skills for the continuation of their studies, such as undertaking a PhD, and will be eligible to apply for professional masters (‘master di II livello’). Graduates will have also gained the necessary language teaching skills to apply for competitions in order to teach Italian as a second language (Competition Class A-023).
Graduates will be also able to analyse theories and methods of investigation for the scientific study of language in all its manifestations (focusing on Italian and other European languages, and ancient languages, too), as well as the study of language acquisition, and language development problems with a practical approach. Moreover, the programme includes the study of language sciences, a wide range of philological and literary disciplines, and psychological, philosophical and statistical-computational disciplines. In addition to lectures, seminars and experimental linguistics laboratories will be also offered in the course of the programme.
This postgraduate programme aims to train graduates with a high level of knowledge of the theories, methodologies and techniques of language investigation, who are able to apply these in various areas of work for research, teaching and counselling in the analysis of written and/or spoken materials. Career opportunities for graduates in linguistics, also in the international context, concern linguistic counselling in several areas, from the drafting and editing of texts to international cooperation activities, from the linguistic integration of immigrants to the management of plurilingualism, and the design and assessment of IT tools for the processing of linguistic corpora and verbal communication.
Further information about this programme can be found here:
Degree programme annual factsheet (SUA-CdS)
As part of the Quality Assurance system, complete, updated and easily available information on objectives, study plan, resources used and results achieved for each degree programme is made available through the SUA-CdS - Scheda Unica Annuale del Corso di Studio (Degree programme annual factsheet). This includes an Overview and three public sections (Learning Objectives, Student Experience, Learning Outcomes) which together provide a wide range of information about each degree programme. The SUA-CdS also contains an administrative section (Administration and Quality Management) that is for internal use only.
The Degree programme annual factsheet (SUA-CdS), which is currently available only in Italian, is a valuable tool that can be used by the University to design, implement and reorganise, as well as to evaluate, each degree programme. However, the SUA-CdS factsheet is also useful for students, to help them choose the right programme of study.