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博士招生 | 悉尼大学招语料库语言学博士
悉尼大学(The University of Sydney),始建于1850年,是坐落于南半球金融、贸易与旅游中心——澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的世界著名顶尖研究型大学。悉尼大学是全澳历史最悠久的大学,是整个南半球首屈一指的学术殿堂和全球著名的高等学府。
Department: Linguistics
WebAddress: https://sydney.edu.au/arts/schools/school-of-literature-art-and-media/department-of-linguistics.html
Level: PhD
Institution/Organization: University of Sydney
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Health Communication
Required Language(s): English (eng)
Applications and enquiries are invited from qualified and motivated students wishing to pursue a PhD degree in Linguistics in the area of corpus-based discourse analysis.
The PhD project will involve quantitative and qualitative corpus-based discourse analysis of Australian media representations of obesity.
It offers an opportunity to develop your interests in corpus linguistics and health news, in an area of pressing social concern.
The project is particularly suitable for outstanding candidates with existing background in corpus linguistics or health language research.
(Please note: because of the upcoming holiday period, responses to inquiries may be delayed until 8 January.)
Applications Deadline: 20-Jan-2020
Web Address for Applications: https://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/b/postgraduate-research-scholarship-in-media-representations-of-ob.html
Contact Information:
Monika Bednarek