【每日刊讯】Text & Talk《文本与话语》2021年第41卷第5-6期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Text & Talk《文本与话语》2021年第41卷第5-6期的13篇论文(侵删)。
Text & Talk《文本与话语》2021年第41卷第5-6期-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Editorial | Sarangi | Geoff Leech and principled practices |
02 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Editorial | McEnery & Brookes | Remembering Geoffrey Leech |
03 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Brezina et al. | The Written British National Corpus 2014 – design and comparability |
04 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Busse | Practices of discursive urban place-making in Brooklyn, New York: (hidden) digital and embodied discourse |
05 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Chałupnik & Brookes | ‘You said, we did’: a corpus-based analysis of marketising discourse in healthcare websites |
06 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Culpeper & Pat | Compliment responses in Hong Kong: an application of Leech’s pragmatics of politeness |
07 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | De Cock & Granger | Stance in press releases versus business news: a lexical bundle approach |
08 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Egbert et al. | Identifying and describing functional discourse units in the BNC Spoken 2014 |
09 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Love | Swearing in informal spoken English: 1990s–2010s |
10 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Mair | Recent advances in the corpus-based study of ongoing grammatical change in English |
11 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Peters & Kruger | The readability of online health information for L1 and L2 Australians: text-based and user-focused research |
12 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Article | Stubss | Pragmatic patterns in Bram Stoker’s Dracula |
13 | Corpus Linguistics across the Generations: In Memory of Geoffrey Leech | Epilogue | Crystal | Afterword |
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