936 阅读 2021-03-24 09:53:06 上传
会议讲座: 会议
时 间: 2021.03.24
形 式: 在线
人 数: 300
主讲人:彭红英 博士
题 目:A Person-centred Approach to L2 Learners’ Informal Mobile Language Learning
时 间:2021年3月24日(周三)19:30-21:00
地 点:腾讯会议 (ID: 143 976 626)
Mobile technologies provide opportunities for L2 learners to engage in complex interactions involving a multitude of cognitive, meta-cognitive, and affective factors. Understanding the process of learners’ mobile language learning thus needs holistic approaches that integratively consider learner attributes and their interaction with mobile technologies. In this presentation, I report on a study that applied a holistic person-centred approach to examining L2 learners’ self-initiated engagement with mobile learning activities. Data were collected with a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. A cluster analysis performed on the questionnaire data yielded six types of learners with distinctly different learning experiences. It was further found that each learner type brought along a distinct package of motivational, emotional, and linguistic interaction, and that the distinct learning experiences of each learner type bore different relationship to learners’ perceived L2 improvement. This study offers theoretical and methodological insights into the complexity and variety inherent in informal mobile language learning. Findings also inform teachers about the design of adaptive and tailored instruction and scaffolding.
彭红英,女,硕士毕业于广东外语外贸大学,师从王初明教授,国家奖学金和优秀研究生获得者,硕士毕业获国家留学基金资助攻读博士学位,现就读于荷兰格罗宁根大学应用语言学系,师从Wander Lowie教授,即将在6月进行博士论文答辩。主要研究兴趣包括二语习得、复杂动态系统理论方法论研究、技术辅助外语教学。参与欧洲合作项目EVOLVE,教育部人文社科青年基金项目。相关研究发表在Applied Lingusitics, Computer Assisted Language Learning, ReCALL,System, 《解放军外国语学院学报》。