2921 阅读 2020-07-31 14:39:08 上传
会议讲座: 会议
形 式: 在线
人 数: 待定
前段时间整理资料的时候,考古一样发现了台大史嘉琳老师的语音学课程视频和课程资料,这门课的所配教材是 A Course in Phonetics,也是我之前推荐过的。
听说链接有时不能打开,我把视频和课程资料以及教材和教材 (第六版)和国际版所带CD (和教材不是同一版本,CD内容可能不尽相同) 一起整理到了度盘里,有需要的可以转存。
度盘链接如下 (链接设置了永久有效):
1. Class overview
2.First Peek into the World of Phonetics
3.The Vocal Tract and Places of Articulation
4.Speech Production and Sound Waves
5.Sound Waves, and Consonants: Place of Articulation (I)
6.Consonants: Place of Articulation (II)
7.Consonants: Manner of Articulation
8.Waveforms of Consonants
9.The Articulation of Vowel Sounds
10.The Sounds of Vowels; Suprasegmentals
11.Wrapping up Chapter One
12.Chapter Two: Phonology and Phonetic Transcription (I)
13.Phonology and Phonetic Transcription (II)
14.Transcribing English Sounds
15.Wrapping up Chapter Two
16.Exercises for Chapter Two
17.English Stop Consonants
18.English Stop Consonants (II)
19.More on English Consonants
20.Overlapping Gestures
21.Allophonic Rules for English Consonants and Diacritics
22.Words in Connected Speech (I) and Exercises for Chapter Three
23.Words in Connected Speech (II) and Stress
24.Test on Chapter Three; Chapter 5 : Word Stress
25.Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation
26.Wrapping up Chapter Five
27.Diving into Vowels
28.Chapter Five Exercises
29.Chapter Three Test Corrections and Transcribing Mandarin in IPA
30.Diphthongs and Rhotic Vowels
31.Wrapping up Chapter Four and Christmas Carols
32.Chapter Four Exercises
33.Transcribing Mandarin in IPA (II)