3188 阅读 2020-10-12 10:08:56 上传
会议讲座: 会议
时 间: 2020.10.28
形 式: 在线
主办单位: 香港中文大学语言处理实验室
人 数: 300
心理语言学线上论坛 | 10月28日Ya-Ning Chang博士讲座
Title: Oral language, reading instruction and literacy development in a computational model of word reading
Speaker: Ya-Ning Chang
Time: 16:00 – 17:30, Wed, 28 October 2020
(Hong Kong time)
Venue: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/779556638
About the Speaker
Ya-Ning Chang is a senior research associate at MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, the University of Cambridge. She completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Manchester and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Academia Sinica and Lancaster University. Her work involves using a combination of computational modelling, behavioural/neuroimaging studies, and corpus analysis to investigate various aspects of language processing and how the processes are related to education, learning, and memory. She has applied computational modelling to language processing in different populations including children, adults and patients. She is also interested in cross-linguistic differences in different reading systems (e.g., English versus Chinese).
Ya-Ning Chang 是剑桥大学MRC认知与脑科学组的高级研究员。她在曼彻斯特大学完成了心理学博士学位,并在中央研究院和曼彻斯特大学担任博士后研究员。她的工作包括结合计算模型、行为/神经影像学研究和语料库分析来研究语言处理的各个方面以及这些过程与教育、学习和记忆的关系。她将计算模型应用于不同人群的语言处理,包括儿童、成人和患者。她还对不同阅读系统中的跨语言差异感兴趣(例如,英语和汉语)。
Oral language, reading instruction and literacy development in a computational model of word reading
Ya-Ning Chang
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge
Language development is shaped by interactivity between architectural constraints and environmental experience of the cognitive system. The extent to which this interaction during development could be observed in language processing and its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Using word reading as an example, in this talk, I will present a series of computational models of reading that learn to map between semantic, phonological, and, later, orthographic forms of words. The models (1) demonstrate how early experience on lexical processing can emerge from multiple sources and reveal vestigial traces of acquisition reflected in differing use of word representations during reading; (2) show the direct links between oral vocabulary skills and literacy development, and distinguish different aspects of oral language experience on literacy development; (3) demonstrate that the relative merits between the two types of reading instruction (phonology focus versus meaning focus) are dependent on pre-existing oral language knowledge.
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