786 阅读 2024-02-18 09:54:25 上传
会议讲座: 会议
时 间: 2024.05.18~2024.05.20
地 点: 中山大学珠海校区
形 式: 现场
主办单位: 中山大学珠海校区
人 数: 待定
The 2nd Conference on Theory and Practice of Bilingualism (CTPB, formerly known as the “Sun Yat-sen University Conference on Bilingualism”) is a multi-topic, cross-field and cross-specialty bilingual research conference hosted by Sun Yat-sen University. CTPB provides a platform for researchers in the relevant fields of bilingualism to disseminate their research findings, understand cutting-edge studies, and develop collaborations.
The 2nd CTPB will be held on May 18th–20th, 2024, in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, P. R. C. and is sponsored by the Department of Chinese (Zhuhai) at Sun Yat-sen University.
We welcome studies focusing on second languages, heritage languages, diglossia, lingua francae, dialects, etc. Relevant fields of study include but are not limited to:
Phonetics & Phonology
Morphology & Syntax
Semantics & Pragmatics
Computational Linguistics
Language Education
Please send your abstract and author info sheet (Scan QR code below or click https://cowtransfer.com/s/ffd4de7bc85a43 to download) to sysubc2024@163.com by March 28th, 2024. Notification of acceptance will be communicated by April 18th, 2024. The conference consists of presentations selected through peer review, as well as keynote speakers, invited symposia on topics of current interest, workshops, etc. Official languages are Chinese and English. Conference registration fee: 900 RMB (half for students); transportation and accommodation expenses are borne by themselves.
Format requirements for submission:
1.Please submit two files. One file should contain the author info sheet, please rename the file as "[First author's name] + author info". The other file should only include the title and the abstract. As the abstract will be reviewed anonymously, please ensure that the authors' names and affiliations are not mentioned anywhere in this document. The second file should be named "[First author's name] + abstract".
2.The abstract must be 300-500 words. Any tables, figures and/or references should appear on a second page.
3.Each researcher may submit only one abstract listing themselves as first author. There are no restrictions on number of submissions as second author.
More information will be released soon. For further questions, please feel free to contact us at sysubc2024@163.com.
Conferences’ links: