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会议讲座: 会议
时 间: 2020.09.09
地 点: 中国 香港 香港中文大学语言处理实验室
形 式: 在线
主办单位: 香港中文大学语言处理实验室
人 数: 300
9 September 2020 (15:00 HK time)
ACRM: An Integrated Model of Word Processing and Eye-Movement Control During Chinese Reading
Xingshan Li (Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Website: http://eyemind.psych.ac.cn
password: .sAC1=%K
2009 Professor, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
2007-2009 Postdoc research association, Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University.
2003-2007 Ph. D. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Psychology
1988-1992 B.E. University of Electronic Science and Technology, China
Research Interests:
Psychology of reading
Individual differences in reading
Eye movement control
Community service:
Association for Psychological Science (APS). Vision Science Society (VSS). Psychonomics Society
Selected Publications:
Li. X., Bicknell, K., Liu, P., Wei, W., & Rayner, K. (in press). Reading is fundamentally similar across disparate writing systems: A systematic characterization of how words and characters influence eye movements in Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Su, Y., Rao, L., Sun, H., Du, X., Li, X., Li, S. (in press). Is making a risky choice based on a weighting and adding process? An eye-tracking investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. doi: 10.1037/a0032861
Li, X. S., Gu, J. J., Liu, P. P., & Rayner, K.(2013). The advantage of word-based processing in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.39(3),879-889.doi: 10.1037/a0030337
Li, X., & Shen, W. (2013).Joint effect of insertion of spaces and word length in saccade target selection in Chinese reading. Journal of Research in Reading.36, S64-S77. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2012.01552.x
Wei, W.,Li, X., & Pollatsek, A. (2013). Properties of fixated words affect outgoing saccade length in Chinese reading. Vision Research.80,1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2012.11.015
Liu, P. & Li, X. (2013). Optimal viewing position effects in the processing of isolated Chinese words.Vision Research.81,45-57
Liu, P. & Li, X. (in press).Inserting Spaces Before and After Words Affect Word Processing Differently: Evidence from Eye Movements. British Journal of Psychology.DOI:10.1111/bjop.12013
Liu P-P, Li W-J, Lin N, Li X-S (2013) Do Chinese Readers Follow the National Standard Rules for Word Segmentation during Reading? PLoS ONE 8(2): e55440. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055440
Menneer, T., Stroud, M.J., Cave, K. R., Li, X. S.., Hayward J. Godwin, H. J., Liversedge, S. P. & Donnelly, N. (2012). Search for Two Categories of Target Produces Fewer Fixations to Target-color Items. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.18(4),404-418
Li X, Ma G (2012) Word Boundaries Affect Visual Attention in Chinese Reading. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048905
Chen L, Li X, Yang Y. (2012). Focus, Newness and Their Combination: Processing of Information Structure in Discourse. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42533.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042533.
Su, Y., Rao, L. L., Li , X. S., Wang, Y. & Li, S. (2012). From Quality to Quantity: The Role of Common Features in Consumer Preference. Journal of Economic Psychology.33,1043-1058.
Li, X. S., Zhao, W. C., &Pollatsek, A. (2012). Dividing lines at the word boundary position helps reading in Chinese.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.19,929-934, DOI 10.3758/s13423-012-0270-6.
Li, X. S., Liu, P. P., &Rayner, K. (2011). Eye movement guidance in Chinese reading: Is there a preferred viewing location? Vision Research,51,1146-1156.
Li, X.S., &Pollatsek, A. (2011). Word knowledge influences character perception. Psychonomics Bulletin & Review. 18(5), 833-839.
Li, X. S., Logan, G.D., Zbrodoff, N. J. (2010). Where do we look when we count? The role of eye movements in enumeration. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 409-426.
Li, X.S., Rayner, K., & Cave, K. (2009).On the segmentation of Chinese words during reading. Cognitive Psychology, 58, 525-552.
Li, X.S., & Logan, G. D. (2008). Object-based attention in Chinese readers of Chinese words: Beyond Gestalt principles. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 945-949.
Evans, K., Rotello, C.M., Li, X.S., & Rayner, K. (2009). Scene perception and memory revealed by eye movements and ROC analyses: Does a cultural difference truly exist? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,62(2), 276-85.
Li, X.S., Cave, K.R., & Wolfe, JM. (2008). Kanizsa-type subjective contours do not guide attentional deployment in visual but line termination contours do. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 477-488.
Li, X.S., Rayner, K., Williams, C.C., Cave, K.R., & Well, A.D. (2007). Eye movements and individual differences. Visual Cognition. 15(1),105-108.
Rayner, K., Li, X.S., &Pollatsek.A. (2007).Extending the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control to Chinese reading. Cognitive Science, 31, 1021-1033.
Rayner, K., Li, X.S., Williams C.C., Cave, K. R., & Well, A.D. (2007). Eye movements during information processing tasks: Individual differences and cultural effects. Vision Research, 47, 2714-2726.
Rayner, K., Li, X.S., Juhasz, B.J., & Yan, G. (2005).The effect of word predictability on the eye movements of Chinese readers. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12(6), 1089-1096.