994 阅读 2020-07-24 16:45:23 上传 0KB
- 目录
- 吴宗济先生的学术思想和他对中国现代语音学的贡献
- >从“五度制为什么够用”说开去
- 普通话多焦点的语音实现
- 基于韵律层级模型的汉语朗读语篇语速研究
- 鼻韵母元音对汉语普通话鼻韵母感知的影响
- 元音音质对越南、韩国学习者汉语声调感知的影响
- 传承与创新——纪念吴宗济先生110周年诞辰语音学研究讨会综述
- Vowels and Diphthongs in The Changde Mandarin Chinese
- Phonetics and Phonology of The -Er Suffix in The Hangzhou Wu Chinese Dialec
- Frication as a Vowel Feature? – Evidence from the Rui’an Wu Chinese Dialect
- Vowels and Diphthongs in the Xupu Xiang Chinese Dialect
- Fricative Vowels as an Intermediate Stage of Vowel Apicalization
- A Preliminary Investigation on The Effects of Velocity Information on Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion
- Is Average RMSE Appropriate for Evaluating Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion?
- Prosodic Prominence in French Causal Sentences Production By L1 and L2 Speakers
- Prosodically Conditioned Neutral-Tone Realization in Tianjin Mandarin
- Effects of Affricate’S Aspiration on Realization And Perception of Lexical Tones in Standard Chinesea
- Spectral Analysis of Sibilant Fricatives and the Ling Sound Test For Speakers of Chinese Dialects
- Intonation of Cantonese Interrogative Sentences With and Without Sentence Final Particle
- CNN-BLSTM Based Question Detection from Dialogs Considering Phase and Context Information
- An Acoustic Study of Affricates Produced by L2 English Learners in Harbin
- An Experimental Study on English Majors Weak Form Productions of Prepositions
- Prosodic Cues in the Interpretation of Echo Questions in Chinese Spoken Dialogues
- Phonological and Phonetic Realization of Narrow Focus in Declarative Sentences by Jinan EFL Learners